complete Library
All Resources
Bible and Bible Studies, Bible Study Tools and Reference books, Children & Family Resources, Devotionals & LIfestyle, Doctrine & Theology, Resources, Spiritual Growth & Christian Living and much more...
Complete Christian Library - All Resources
1. Bible and Bible Studies Here
2. Bible Study Tools & Reference Books Here
3. Children & Family Resources Here
4. Devotionals & Lifestyle Here
5. Doctrine & Theology Here
6. Resources Here
7. Spiritual Growth & Christian Living Here
Bible & Bible Studies
Bible Facts - Discover interesting facts about the Bible. What are the key verses and how are the books arranged? The Bible is huge: about 611,000 words long, all divided up across 66 smaller documents called the “books” of the Bible. That's because the Bible is a collection of writings from different authors writing at different times. In some ways, that makes it easier to approach the Bible: we can read it in individual books of the Bible.
On our sister website Questions God. Com we have snapshots of each book of the Bible here.
Free Bible Study Guides
21 Days Free Bible Study Guides that are relevant, engaging and life-changing —- making your life better now, and giving you a real, solid hope for your future.
- God’s Simple Plan of Salvation – Searching for Answers – 21 days study guide here.
- New Christian Study Guide – New To Christianity – 21 days study guide here.
- Developing Christian Resources – Nurturing Resources – 21 days study guide here.
- Gospel of John – Knowing God Better – Personal study - 21 days study guide here.
- Inspirational Daily Devotionals – Encouraging Spiritual Reflections –sent once a day here.
- Monthly Newsletter – Christ Centered Information – once a month here.
- Personal Evangelism Training – Share the Gospel – fun creative way here.
- Bible Studies – Instructive Christian Resources – connecting you nearer to God here.
Sent daily by email here.
It may not always seem like it in this time-pressured world we live in, but spending time with God and reading His Word is the most important part of your day. If you want to know God's will for your life, the Bible is one of the primary ways God speaks to us. That's why the Bible is often called "God's Word" or "The Word of God."go here.
Use one of our many daily Bible reading plans to easily read Scriptures. Reading the Bible daily is important to grow your faith and hope! They range from two week commitments to year-long commitments, from reading straight through cover to cover, to topical readings, to a mixture of readings each day. Check out our 70 Bible Reading Plans at our sister website Questions God. Com 70 BIBLE READING PLANS HERE.
New to the Bible or New Christians Bible Reading Plans - Each plan is different - Plans 1-12 here
Blended Bible Reading Plans - Old and New Testament combined daily - Plans 13-17 here.
Classic One & Two Year Plans - From the Beginning Genesis to the end of Revelation in order - Plans 18-23 here.
Chronological One Year Plans - Read the events of the Bible in the order they occurred - Plans: 24-25 here.
Genres (Literature) Style One Year Plans - Reading the different Genre types - Plans: 26-27 here.
Short Term Reading Commitments - Two week Plans for those with busy schedules - Plans 29 -41 here.
Children's Bible Reading Plans - 10 minutes a day for Children and Family Bible Readings - Plans 42-50 here.
Assorted & Diverse Excellent Bible Reading Plans - Variety of Books of the Bible Reading Plans - Plans 51-70 here.
Bible Translations, and Languages, Children's Bible, Women's Bible and Bible Stories here.
Bible Audio
Free 100"s of Audio Bibles online to listen to the Bible book by book here.
Bibles Buy Online
15 Recommend reasonable priced good Bibles to buy for those on a budget online here.
Bible By Book
Outline study of the Bible book by book by J.B.Ti dwell here.
Bible FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the Bible here.
Bible Glossary
The meanings of words and phrases used in the Bible from A to Z here.
Bible Nuggets
Inspirational messages and thought on scripture designed to encourage and provide insight here.
Bible - Heartbroken Moms In The Bible
Series Bible 1 Eve's heartbroken Mom in the Bible by Patty Morman here.
Bible Promises
Today's Bible promises that bring great comfort, hope and understanding of the Bible for each of us here.
Bible Reading Studying Methods
Bible Reading and Studying Methods is for learning how to expound, guide and interpret the Bible for all its worth. We do this through learning the tools and skills to help us observe the text, dig out the meaning, and then apply it to our lives here.
Bible Reading Plans
We have 70 Bible Reading Plans for you to choose from to read each day with your Bible here.
Bible Romances
The Bible is full of so many great stories, from struggle to triumph and impossible to miraculous. The most memorable for me are the love stories here.
Bible Stories
The Bible is one continuous story, from the story of creation to the story of Jesus to the end time here.
Bible Studies
Excellent studies of books of the Bible and topical subjects sent daily by email here.
Bible Verses
Read today's Bible Verse of the day to be encouraged here.
Birds Eye View of the Bible
To know the Bible
thoroughly is to be kept from stumbling, and to walk in the light is
fellowship with Him who is the heart of the Book here.
Children's Stories with each story has 5 to 6 pages you can print out.
One page to colour with crayons, another page memory verse, one true and false questions on the verses, a puzzle, a maze, jigsaw puzzle and much more.. Great for family Devotionals highly recommend.
Old Testament 163 Children's Stories here.
New Testament 152 Children's Stories here.
Vacation Bible School & Junior Camp Curriculum here.
Children's Stories
Children's Inspirational Christian Bible Stories that are simple and easy and quick to read that you can share with your children straight out of God's Word here.
Child's Story
Child's Story of the Bible with many stories from each book of the Bible here.
Holy Bible
Bring the beauty and truth of the Bible into everyday life. The Holy Bible. Containing the Old and New Testaments,
Search and read Bible verses using the popular Bible Versions here.
2. Bible Study Tools & Reference Books
Bible Glossary
The meanings of words and phrases used in the Bible from A to Z here.
The Bible book by book here.
Outline study of the Bible book by book by J. B. Tidwell here.
Bible Reading Studying Methods
Bible Reading and Studying Methods is for learning how to expound, guide and interpret the Bible for all its worth. We do this through learning the tools and skills to help us observe the text, dig out the meaning, and then apply it to our lives here.
Biographies of great men and women of God who exhibited God's work through their lives here.
Christian Starter
Steps to Becoming a Christian. The Bible explains how to become a Christian in very simple terms here.
Christian Writings
The Early Christian Writings. A terrific, short collection of important early Christian writings in modern English here
Church History
The history of Christianity concerns the Christian religion, Christendom, and the Church with its various denominations, from the 1st century to the present here.
Whether you are just beginning to read Scripture or have been studying the Bible daily, commentaries offer greater understanding with background information on the Bible here.
Bible Dictionaries including Easton's Bible Dictionary and Bible resources here.
Free Downloads of Christian Resources of Bibles, commentaries and inspirational bible studies for encouragement, devotions, and Christian training here.
All encyclopedia terms are cross-referenced and linked to the verses where they are found to help understand the full meaning of the word in context to its use in specific verses of the Bible here.
So why are there four separate versions of the story of Jesus? Or maybe you’re wondering, why are there only four, if He was such an influential figure? Much more here.
Great Preachers
They "received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily, to see whether these things were so." To see a list of Great Christian Preachers go here.
List of Christian Preachers by Denomination
A Christian denomination is a distinct religious body within Christianity, identified by traits such as a name, organization, leadership and doctrine. More information here.
Maps Biblical
Welcome to our expanding, absolutely FREE collection of Biblical maps, Charts and Biblical Timelines specially selected to enhance your studies into the word of God here!
Matthew Henry Complete Commentary Download
Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary provides an exhaustive look at every verse. Study the bible with this download zip file here.
Measure and Weights
The meanings of the terms that are used in the Bible for measurements and weights, with their relative values and ratios, varied from time to time here.
Men of the Bible
Contents: Abraham, the call of Moses, Naaman the Syrians, The prophet Nehemiah, Herod and John the Baptist, Man Born Blind, Joseph of Arimathea and the penitent thief here.
Download free pictures about Christianity, pictures of old Translations, Bible maps, Bibles times, the Bible in Pictures, Bible Illustrations here.
Study Tools
Bible studies Tools and related resources will help you to grow in your knowledge and understanding of God's Word. View Bible studies, View Devotionals, View Daily emails, View Bible Reading Plans, Help, FAQ's... here.
The Andrew Murray Collection
Andrew Murray is one of the most beloved Christian authors of all time. We hope you enjoy this collection of some of his most famous and moving writings here.
Topical Bibles
These topical verse references and Bible concordance are from R. A. Torrey's New Topical Textbook with 20000 topics 30000 Bible references here.
Weights and Measures (Bible Times)
Discover the weights and measures used in the Bible! How long is a CUBIT? What is a WIDOW'S MITE? How much did a TALENT of gold weigh? Go here.
3. Children & Family Resources
The title "family altar" simply means family Bible study and worship time. Every Christian family should have such a time daily. It is amazing how few families really take this seriously and practice this routinely. It is the best guarantee to have Christian children with good moral standards that do not drift through the teen years, ...
163 Children's Stories of the Old Testament.
Excellent Children's Stories with each story has 5 to 6 pages you can print out. One page to colour with crayons, another page memory verse, true and false questions on the verses, a puzzle, a maze, jigsaw puzzle and much more here.
162 Children's Stories of the New Testament
Excellent Children's Stories with each story has 5 to 6 pages you can print out. One page to colour with crayons, another page memory verse, true and false questions on the verses, a puzzle, a maze, jigsaw puzzle and much more here.
Children's Preschool Bible Stories for Parents & Teachers
Excellent Bible stories for Preschool children from ages 3 to 6. The Curriculum is for 52 weeks here.
Children and Preparing Parents to teach their Children about Bible
Excellent Ideas for parents to help their children understand the Bible here.
Vacation Bible School (VBS) & Junior Camp Curriculum
Excellent Curriculum set up for a 5 day Vacation Bible School and Junior Camp with teachers instructions here.
Children's Stories
Children's Inspirational Christian Bible Stories that are simple and easy and quick to read that you can share with your children straight out of God's Word here.
Child's Story
Child's Story of the Bible with many stories from each book of the Bible here.
Creative Bible Reading Methods for Children & Teens
Many of the guidelines for great kids’ devotions start with a level of simplicity that we as adults sometimes take for granted. Ten minutes is a great goal for a beginner’s devotion time. Consider the following 4 basics when encouraging kids toward establishing a 10-minute devotion time here.
Family Alter Time
The title "family altar" simply means family Bible reading and studying and worship time. Every Christian family should have such a time daily go here.
Fun Stuff
The Christian Daily Trivia Quiz is different each day, so come back often. Excellent to use for a daily devotion, especially with computer savvy families here.
Bible Stories. These are a few stories and nonfiction reading passages here.
Study the Bible
Approaching Bible study may seem like a daunting task. But God intends for us to study His Word, no matter where we are in our Christian walk and growth here.
The Children's Bible
Children's Bible Online. The Old Testament. 1. The Story of Creation · 2. God's Good Gifts to Man · 3. The First Disobedience · 4. Cain and His Brother Abel · 5. Noah and the Great Flood · 6. The Story of the Tower of Babel · 7. Abraham the Friend of God and Man · 8. Lot's Escape from a Wicked City · 9. God's Care for the Boy ... here.
Wee One's Bible Stories
This is a short book of Bible Stories for Children.This book is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever here.
Youth and Young Adults
Topics for Youth and Young Adults: What is Dating, Infatuation and True Love, Old Enough to Date, How to Stay out of Trouble, and much more here.
4. Devotionals - Christian Lifestyle
A new devotional for each day sent by email for your encouragement and spending time in God's Word. This is a daily devotional that helps God's people refresh, refocus and renew their faith through Bible reading, reflection, and prayer. More information for our free daily devotionals sent daily by email in your inbox here.
Books on Prayer by E. M. Bounds
His books on prayer have been continual best-sellers for over fifty years. The 7 Books are: The Necessity of Prayer, The Essentials of Prayer, Power through Prayer, Purpose in Prayer, The Reality of Prayer, The Weapon of Prayer, Prayer and Praying Men here.
Christian Starter
Steps to Becoming a Christian. The Bible explains how to become a Christian in very simple terms here.
Complete Free Christian Collection Download
Would you like to learn how to talk to God. This free complete download package of different Bible translations, Easton's Bible Dictionary, Nave's Topical Bible, Morning and Evening Devotionals by Charles Spurgeon, Precious Bible Promises, 7 books of Prayers by E. M. Bounds, Prayer Availeth Much by T. M. Anderson and the Andrew Murray Collection here.
Daily Bible Reading Plans
Use one of our many daily Bible reading plans to easily read Scriptures. Reading the Bible daily is important to grow your faith and hope! They range from two week commitments to year-long commitments, from reading straight through cover to cover, to topical readings, to a mixture of readings each day here.
Devotional Guide
Devotional Guides that are relevant, engaging and life-changing —- making your life better now, and giving you a real, solid hope for your future here.
Gospel of John Reading Plan
For those new to the Bible or new to Christianity we recommend our 21 days 5 to 10 minute reading the Gospel of John a chapter a day here. This reading guide was written to guide you through the book of John in 21 days. Read one chapter each day and spend time with God here.
Gospel of John the 21 day Bible Reading Plan Challenge sent daily by email.
If you're looking to take a first step in reading God's Word, our 21-day Challenge is for you. It's a simple way to begin making Bible reading part of your day. We believe that there is a message from God and about God and His will for your life in the gospel of John. Probably the most important thing you can do is develop the habit of reading the Bible every day.
It’s the primary way that God speaks to us, which means it’s vital to your relationship with Him as you follow along with this study guide of the Gospel of John. Sign Up for our Gospel of John 21 days,15 to 20 minute Bible reading plan sent by email each day to your in box.. More information or to sign up here.
How to Study the Bible
It may not always seem like it in this time-pressured world we live in, but spending time with God and reading His Word is the most important part of your day. If you want to know God's will for your life, the Bible is one of the primary ways God speaks to us. That's why the Bible is often called "God's Word" here.
"Just A Moment" - By Rev. Garry Fricker - A 365 Devotionals
Devotional "Just A Moment" is intended to give us all a few minutes of Biblical preparation for each day as well as to present a challenge to grow in our confidence and trust in an Awesome God. Read online on our sister site here.
More information here.
The Bible is the living word of God and feeds us through the promises of God found in scripture. I have listed some of these passages will bring many encouraging thoughts to your day here.
Search the Bible
Search the E.S.V. Bible to listen to the audio Bible online here.
5. Doctrine & Theology
Christianity regards varied collections of books known as the Bible as authoritative and written by human authors under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Biblical inspiration is the doctrine in Christian theology concerned with the divine origin of the Bible and what the Bible teaches about itself.
Definition of creation - the action or process of bringing something into existence, the creating of the universe, especially when regarded as an act of God more here.
Our culture simply doesn't know what to think about death. We don't know what to expect or how to prepare for our own death more here.
Emancipation proclamation of a different kind. It's God's message of freedom to His believers. God is speaking to us today, telling us to look around and realize the wonderful freedom we have in Christ, more here.
Would you have more Faith? Then seek to become more acquainted with Jesus Christ. Study your blessed Saviour more and more, and strive to know more of the length and breadth and height of His love here.
The Bible speaks often of miraculous healing through faith in God and our Lord Jesus Christ. Find both spiritual and physical healing in these Bible verses filled with God's promises of comfort and strength here.
Heaven & Hell
The Bible speaks clearly of the existence of Heaven. It describes a place in which sadness, pain and death itself end once and for all. Beyond that, it gives only hints of what humans will experience beyond death. However, the hints are sufficient to thrill us that humans should anticipate an exhilarating and beautiful here.
Holy Spirit
Question: The Bible talks about being led by the Holy Spirit. Can you tell me how the Holy Spirit works in my life? Answer:. I'm glad you're interested in the Holy Spirit, because it's impossible to follow God unless we are led by the Spirit. And the only way to be led by the Spirit is to follow God's command to be filled by the Spirit here.
Jesus Christ
The five major milestones in the New Testament narrative of the life of Jesus are his Baptism, Transfiguration, Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension. In the gospels, the ministry of Jesus starts with his Baptism by John the Baptist, when he is about thirty years old here.
What is justification? How can I be justified before God? Why, on the basis of Christ's death, can God declare us to be righteous? Find the answers to these questions here.
Second Coming
The Second Coming is when Jesus Christ will return to earth in fulfillment of His promises and to fulfill the prophecies made about Him here.
Study the Bible
Approaching Bible study may seem like a daunting task. But God intends for us to study His Word, no matter where we are in our Christian walk and growth here.
Teaching of Jesus
Jesus did not set about teaching doctrines or “theology.” Instead, he demonstrated many of his teachings, although he also made many commandments throughout his ministry (Matt. 28:20). Many times “The Sermon on the Mount” is referred to as Jesus' basic teachings in a capsule here.
Christian theology is the theology of Christian belief and practice. Such study concentrates primarily upon the texts of the Old Testament and of the New Testament, as well as on Christian tradition here.
Theology & Doctrine
Doctrine, comes from the Latin word "doctrinal," meaning "teaching" or "instruction." This "teaching" or "instruction" can apply to a number of things, but again, we will look at it from a Christian viewpoint.
Theology comes from two Greek words "theos" meaning "God," and "logos" meaning "word." Therefore, it essentially, and primarily means "the word about God," or the more common definition is "the study of God." here.
Tithes & Offerings
If you've attended church even once in your life, you've probably heard the phrase tithes and offerings. It's often printed in the bulletin, or the pastor talks about it as the ushers pass the collection plates more here.
No matter how colorful a peacock's feathers may be, a blind person cannot see it. No matter how scenic a mountain top view might be, a blind person cannot appreciate it. Those that are unsaved do not appreciate the cross. They are spiritually bind. What does 1 Corinthians 2:14 tell us about the natural (unsaved) man here?
Word of God
As Christians it is important to seek the will of God and try to stick to it. ... We must turn to the Word of God and the Holy Spirit in prayer here.
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. Showing reverence and gratitude to God who is worthy of all worship and praise. Learn the difference between worship and singing here.
6. Resources
Looking for the best articles to read? Browse this list of interesting articles on Christian living here.
Audio & Audio Video
Free Christian audio books here and free Christian Audio Videos here.
Bible Reading Studying Methods
Bible Reading and Studying Methods is for learning how to expound, guide and interpret the Bible for all its worth. We do this through learning the tools and skills to help us observe the text, dig out the meaning, and then apply it to our lives here.
Bible Study Guides
Use these study guides to improve your understanding of the Bible and strengthen your faith. Learn how to explain your beliefs to others here.
Free Downloads of Christian Resources of Bibles, commentaries and inspirational bible studies for encouragement, devotions, and Christian training here.
Free 1000's of Christian Inspirational Ebooks that you can grow from. Some of the topics include biblical inspirations, leadership, biographies, teaching, spiritual growth, biographies and much more here.
These are humour us Christian email stories based on humour us stories here.
Favorite Ebooks
Though it won't replace good old-fashioned books, the upward trend of ebooks has created a new platform for us to spread our message — that God is Love here.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Frequently Asked Questions are a list of Christian questions and answers that are commonly asked here.
Evangelism & Missions
“Mission” and “evangelism” express the outward impulse of Christianity. The gospel of Jesus Christ, by its very nature, refuses to be bottled up. It must be shared. Mission and evangelism are closely related; Mission is generally the broader term, within which Evangelism is included go here.
Men's Ministry
Healthy ministry to men connects, disciples, challenges, and ultimately witnesses men transformed by the power of Jesus. As men are transformed, the Lord rules and reigns over every aspect of their lives here.
Miscellaneous Topics
A Variety of Christian topics. Sometimes you just need to put a variety of things in one place. So, Miscellaneous topics seems to be as good a place as any here.
Music & Hymns
As Christians, our whole lives should be a living sacrifice of worship to God, but undoubtedly, praise and thanksgiving through song play a big role here.
Pastors, Ministers and Evangelists
The gifts he gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until all of us come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of the full stature...go here.
Prison and Ministry
Learn how to share God's love through in-prison ministries. Our stories and resources show you how to meet prisoners at their greatest point of need here.
Questions about the Christian Life here.
Devotional Guides, Book on Prayer, Miscellaneous, Bible promises, marriage, Downloads of Bibles, Commentaries, Dictionaries, Christian Collection, creation and much more here.
Preaching has identified the great preachers of the last century and of the past thousand years, based on their influence on the church & society here.
Site Map
This is the completed Site Map at Bibles Net. com here.
Study Guides
Free Bible Study Guides each 21 days long, that are relevant, engaging and life-changing —- making your life better now, and giving you a real, solid hope for your future.
- God’s Simple Plan of Salvation – Searching for Answers – 21 days study guide here.
- New Christian Study Guide – New To Christianity – 21 days study guide here.
- Developing Christian Resources – Nurturing Resources – 21 days study guide here.
- Gospel of John – Knowing God Better – Personal study - 21 days study guide here.
- Inspirational Daily Devotionals – Encouraging Spiritual Reflections –sent once a day here.
- Monthly Newsletter – Christ Centered Information – once a month here.
- Personal Evangelism Training – Share the Gospel – fun creative way here.
- Bible Studies – Instructive Christian Resources – connecting you nearer to God here.
Sent daily by email here.
Study Tools
Our various Bible study tools designed to give you an in-depth study on a particular Bible topics here.
Women's Ministry
Today many Christian women are carrying the Gospel to the world. Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene and told her to go tell his brothers. And Matthew 29:9-10; the women went to tell the brothers about Jesus, more here.
Word of God
As Christians it is important to seek the will of God and try to stick to it. ... We must turn to the Word of God and the Holy Spirit in prayer here.
7. Spiritual Growth & Christian Living
Back Sliders
For those that have forgotten God here and list of Christian Ebooks on forgetting God here.
Christian Starter Kit
Steps to Becoming a Christian. The Bible explains how to become a Christian in very simple terms here.
Christians Start Here
Ebooks for those searching to be a Christian here.
Learn about Christianity - having faith in God and Jesus Christ here.
Church Growth
The Church Growth starts with a passion for the Great Commission, and seeing people come to Christ here.
Daily Bible Reading Plans
Use one of our many daily Bible reading plans to easily read Scriptures. Reading the Bible daily is important to grow your faith and hope! They range from two week commitments to year-long commitments, from reading straight through cover to cover, to topical readings, to a mixture of readings each day here.
Daily Free Devotionals Sent Daily in your Inbox.
A new devotional for each day sent by email for your encouragement and spending time in God's Word. This is a daily devotional that helps God's people refresh, refocus and renew their faith through Bible reading, reflection, and prayer. More information for our free daily devotionals sent daily by email in your inbox here.
We would
like to offer you some of the greatest resources on Bible Versions, Devotional Guide, Precious Bible Promises, Prayer and much more free here.
Looking for free ebooks? For Free eBooks downloads here.
How to Know God Personally
Would You Like to Know God Personally? What does it take to begin a relationship with God here?
How to Read and Study the Bible
Bible Reading and Studying Methods is for learning how to expound, guide and interpret the Bible for all its worth. We do this through learning the tools and skills to help us observe the text, dig out the meaning, and then apply it to our lives here.
The books of the Bible are many and varied, but if there was a single thread running through them all, it would be love. God not only has love - God is love (1 John 4:8). Love is what prompted Christ's saving efforts on the cross (John 3:16). More about Love here.
Marriage, Sex and Dating
Looking for (clean) Christian sex resources or tips for how to have better sex in your Christian marriage? go here.
Miscellaneous Topics
A Variety of Christian topics. Sometimes you just need to put a variety of things in one place. So, Miscellaneous topics seems to be as good a place as any here.
This poetry is free for you to use in whatever way you wish. There are no copyright restrictions on the poems in this section of our site here.
Whether we pray aloud or pray silently in our hearts in fleeting moments of need, prayer is a personal form of communication where we can speak directly with our Father in Heaven. He knows each of us by name and loves us. He hears our prayers and He answers them with wisdom, empathy, and compassion here.
Pray For The Lost
Many of us - if not all of us, owe our conversion to friends and family who prayed us into the Kingdom. Prayer is the big weapon for the salvation of souls here.
Questions and Answers
Christian Answers - Do you have questions about the Bible, God, or Jesus Christ? We will help you find the answers here!
The Bible is full of encouraging scriptures that are such a blessing to read and memorize. The Scriptures used are filled with hope, comfort and inspiration here.
Scripture Verses
Discover the strength and power you receive from God's Word. Read collections of bible verses for Encouragement, Inspirational,Forgiveness, Patience, Love, Strength, Peace, and more here.
Searching for Life Questions?
Becoming a Christian can be compared to hitting a home run in the game of Baseball more here.
A person who is not easy to convince unless positive proof is offered. Skeptic here.
Soul Winner
Jesus told His disciples, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men" (Matthew 4:19). The implication is that if we are really following, we'll be fishing -soul-winning. Jesus' last words were, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations" (Matthew 28:19). The Christians in the New Testament went everywhere, here.
Spiritual Growth
Spiritual Growth. God promises to stay involved through the life-long process of spiritual growth. Philippians 1:6, NIV. "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus". Jesus is the source of our spiritual growth here.
Study the Bible
Approaching Bible study may seem like a daunting task. But God intends for us to study His Word, no matter where we are in our Christian walk and growth here.
No matter how colorful a peacock's feathers may be, a blind person cannot see it. No matter how scenic a mountain top view might be, a blind person cannot appreciate it. Those that are unsaved do not appreciate the cross. They are spiritually bind. What does 1 Corinthians 2:14 tell us about the natural (unsaved) man here?
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. Showing reverence and gratitude to God who is worthy of all worship and praise. Learn the difference between worship and singing here.
Home All Library Resources Free Downloads
The scriptures are perfect, but men are fallible. I prayerfully check all of the material I put on my sites. However, I am quite capable of missing something or making a mistake. If you find anything at all on these pages that is questionable or find any links broken please contact us here.
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