By Denomination
Christian Preachers
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Christian Preachers By Denomination
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A Christian denomination is a distinct religious body within Christianity, identified by traits such as a name, organization, leadership and doctrine.
- Nicholas Ridly, (died 1555) one of the Oxford Martyrs
- Hugh Latimer, (1470–1555) another of the Oxford Martyrs (1470–1555)
- Thomas Cranmer, (1489–1556), Archbishop of Canterbury and an Oxford Martyr
- Lancelot Andrewes, (1555–1626)
- John Donne (1572–1631) also a famous poet
- John Tillotson, (1630–1694)
- Phillips Brooks, (1835–1893) Bishop of Massachusetts
- Michael Bruce Curry (born 1953) Bishop of North Carolina
- John Wesley, (1703–1791)
- George Whitefield, (1714–1770)
- George W. Truett, 1867 -1944
- Roger Williams, (1603–1684)
- John Bunyan, (1628–1688)
- W. A. Criswell (1909–2002)
- James T. Draper, Jr. (born 1935)
- Benjamin Keach (1640–1704)
- William Garrett Lewis (c. 1834 – 1885)
- C. H. Spurgeon, (1834–1892), the "Prince of Preachers"
- John Alexis Edgren (1839–1908)
- J. Frank Norris (1877–1952)
- Mordecai Ham (1877–1961)
- Duke Kimbrough McCall (born 1914)
- Billy Graham, (born 1918)
- Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929–1968)
- Moishe Rosen (born 1932), founder of Jews for Jesus
- Jerry Falwell, (1933–2007)
- John MacArthur (born 1939)
- Jesse Jackson, (born 1941)
- Corey J. Hodges, (born 1971)
- Lewis Brown, (born 1941)
- David Du Plessis, (1905–1987)
- Kathryn Kuhlman, (1907–1976)
- John Wimber, (1934–1997)
- Reinhard Bonnke, (born 1940)
- Joyce Meyer, (born 1943)
- Derek Prince, (1915–2003)
- Aimee Semple McPherson (1890–1944)
- Jack W. Hayford (born 1934)
- Martin Luther (1483–1547)
- Philipp Melanchthon (1497-1560)
- Lars Levi Laestadius (1800–1861)
- C. F. W. Walther (1811–1887)
- Bernt B. Haugan (born 1862) Lutheran minister, politician, and temperance leader
- Martin Niemoller (1892-1984)
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906–1945)
- J. A. O. Preus II (1920–1994) Former President of the Lutheran Church
- Gerald B. Kieschnick (born 1943) Current President of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
- Dr. Wallace Schulz (b. ce. 1945) former host of The Lutheran Hour
- Mark Hanson (born 1946)
- Ken Klaus, current host of the The Lutheran Hour
- David Benke (born 1946)
- Don Wharton (born 1951) Christian Musician and Lutheran Minister
- Mark Jeske (born 1952)
- Dr. Walter A. Maier (1893–1950) Host of The Lutheran Hour from 1930–1950
- Zola Levitt (1938–2006)
- Daniel Rowland, (1713–1790)
- Francis Asbury, (1747–1816)
- Peter Cartwright, (1785–1873)
- William Booth, (1829–1912) – founder of the Salvation Army
- Bob Jones, Sr., (1883–1968)
- Carl Stuart Hamblen, (1908–1989)
- William Willimon, (born 1946)
- Dwight Moody (1837–1899)
- Alexander Boddy, (1854–1930)
- Smith Wigglesworth (1859–1947)
- William J. Seymour, (1870–1922)
- Lewi Pethrus, (1884–1974)
- William Marrion Branham (1909 ~ 1965)
- David Wilkerson, (born 1931)
- Bernie L. Wade, (born 1963)
- Oral Roberts, (1918–2009)
- Louie P. Rey, (1958– present day)
- John Knox, (1513–1572)
- Billy Sunday (1862–1935)
- Peter Marshall, (1903–1949)
- Ian Paisley (born 1926)
- Frederick Buechner (born 1926)
- Robert Abbot, (c. 1588 – c. 1622)
- John Davenport, (1597–1670)
- John Harvard, (1607–1638)
- Joseph Alleine, (c. 1634 – 1668)
- Matthew Henry, (1662–1714)
- Cotton Mather, (1663–1728)
- Jonathan Edwards, (1703–1758)
- Martyn Lloyd-Jones, (1899–1981)
- Huldrych Zwingli, (1484–1531)
- John Calvin, (1509–1564)
- Rich Nathan (born 1955)
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