Second Coming!
Bible Prophecy
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Jesus is Coming Again &
Second Coming & Bible Prophecy
Would you be Ready?
Then seek to become more acquainted with Jesus Christ. Study your blessed Saviour more and more, and strive to know more of the length and breadth and height of His love. Study Him in all His offices, as the Priest, the Physician, the Redeemer, the Advocate, the Friend, the Teacher, the Shepherd of His believing people. Study Him as one who not only died for you, but is also living for you at the right hand of God,—as one who not only shed His blood for you, but daily intercedes for you at the right hand of God,—as one who is soon coming again for you, and will stand once more on this earth. The believer who is thoroughly acquainted with the fullness of Jesus Christ, is the believer who travels from grace to glory with the greatest comfort and peace. I commend these things to your attention.
I used to study prophecy a good deal, and the book of the Revelation had a very prominent place in it. But the more I studied it, the more confused I got, the more difficulties I found. It did not get me through very far to glory. But then the Lord gave me a clue, and showed me the spiritual principles lying behind the book of the Revelation, and I was able to apprehend that book in a spiritual way. I do not mean that I spiritualized everything, but I was able to apprehend it in a spiritual way. The cloud was lifted and there was life. Take this matter of the coming of the Lord seriously; and, of course, when He shall come in the clouds of glory, when He shall come to be glorified in His saints. Are You Ready!
And what are the cheap things now? The knowledge of God, the free salvation of the Gospel, the favor of Christ, the grace of the Holy Ghost, the privilege of being God’s son, the title to eternal life, the right to the tree of life, the reversion of a mansion in heaven, the promises of an in-corruptible inheritance, the offer of a crown of glory that fadeth not away. These are the things that no man hardly cares for. They are offered to the sons of men without money and without price: they may be had for nothing,—freely and gratuitously. Whosoever will may take his portion. But, alas, there is no demand for these things! They go a begging. They are scarcely looked at. They are offered in vain. Such is the world!
But a day is coming upon us all when the value of everything shall be altered. A day is coming when bank-notes shall be as useless as rags, and gold shall be as worthless as the dust of the earth. A day is coming when thousands shall care nothing for the things for which they once lived, and shall desire nothing so much as the things which they once despised. The halls and palaces will be forgotten in the desire of a “house not made with hands.” The favour of the rich and great will be no more remembered, in the longing for the favour of the King of kings. The silks, and satins, and velvets, and laces, will be lost sight of in the anxious want of the robe of Christ’s righteousness. All shall be altered, all shall be changed in the great day of the Lord’s return.
“Many will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.
Because of the Angels-Angelic Intervention in Human Lives by Derek Prince here
Because of the Angels-Principles of Spiritual Protection by Derek Prince here
Because of the Angel-The Climax of the Conflict by Derek Prince here
Because of the Angel-The Weapons of Our Warfare by Derek Prince here
Because of the Angels-Warfare in Heavenly Places by Derek Prince here
Beyond Pentecost by Clayt Sonmore here
Heaven And The Angels by H. A. Baker here
Help Heavenward by Octavius Winslow here
How To Pray For The Lost here
Looking to Jesus by R. A. Torrey here
Many Mansions by Jonathan Edwards here
New Creation by John Wesley here
No Condemnation In Christ Jesus by Octavius Winslow here
On The Resurrection of the Dead - 1Corinthians 15:35 by John Wesley here
Prophetic Ministry by T. Austin-Sparks here
Prophetic Warning by Stanley Frodsham here
Revelations on Heaven by 7 Columbian Youths here
Revelation Twenty by L. R. Shelton here
Signs Of The Times - Matthew 16:3 by John Wesley here
The AntiChrist by Arthur W. Pink here
The Glory of the Christian Dispensation by Robert Murray Mc'Cheyne here
The Negative Aspects of Heaven or The Negative Attractions of Heaven by Octavius Winslow here
(No More Curse, No More Night, No More Sea, No More Hunger & Thirst, No More Pain, No More Pain, No More Tears, No More Death, No Temple)
The Saints Everlasting Rest by Richard Baxter here
The Thomas Welch Story by Thomas Welch here
The Tribulation and The Church by Chuck Smith here
The Vision of the Body of Christ & the End Time Ministries by Tommy Hicks here
Titles of Christ by Octavius Winslow here
True Saints, When absent from the Body, are Present with the Lord by Jonathan Edwards here
Watch (Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ) by J. C. Ryle here
Visions Beyond the Veil by H. A. Baker here
Visions Of The Part Of Heavenly City by H. A. Baker here
"Look up! when all around is bright,
And sunshine gilds each day;
When every earthly, sweet delight,
Is strewed along the way.
"Look up! and bless the God above,
Let gratitude arise;
Forget not Him, who in His love
Your every need supplies.
"Look up! when all is darkness round,
Your heart with grief oppressed;
When sorrow's darkest shadows drown
The joys within your breast.
"Look up! in earnest, faithful prayer
All is in mercy given;
Your every grief, your every care,
Is meted out in Heaven.
"Look up to Jesus! who has shed
His precious blood for thee;
Oh, raise your weary, drooping head,
And His salvation see!
"Look up! for strength and heavenly might
Upon your Savior wait;
And He shall make your Shadows Bright,
And crooked places straight.
"Look up! when death is hastening on
When life is almost over;
The victory then will soon be won,
And joys for evermore!
"Look up! by steadfast faith and see
The land of holy rest,
Where saints through all eternity
Shall be with Jesus blest.
"Look up! and hail your Coming Lord
He comes to call for you;
To burst your chain-to break your cord,
And set His prisoner free!"
"Until the Day breaks, and the shadows flee away,
I will get to the Mountain of Myrrh,
and to the Hill of Frankincense."
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