Four Gospels
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When people talk about “the gospel,” there’s only one thing they mean: the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the four books of the Bible that record almost everything we know about Jesus. If we want to learn about the things Jesus said and did, we have to turn to these ancient texts, believed to have been written by eyewitnesses or people who spoke with them during the first century.
So why are there four separate versions of the story of Jesus? Or maybe you’re wondering, why are there only four, if He was such an influential figure?
The gospels are not biographies in the modern sense of the word. Rather, they are stories told in such a way as to evoke a certain image of Jesus for a particular audience. They're trying to convey a message about Jesus, about his significance to the audience and thus we we have to think of them as a kind of preaching, as well as story telling. That's what the gospel, The Good News, is really all about.
The four gospels that we find in the New Testament, are of course, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The first three of these are usually referred to as the "synoptic gospels," is based on a Greek word meaning “common view.” because they look at things in a similar way, or they are similar in the way that they tell the story. Although the four gospels all tell the story of Jesus, each does so in a distinctive way, emphasizing particular aspects of Jesus’ identity and mission. The gospel of John relates many miracles and encounters that are not found in the other gospels, and instead of parables it contains long discourses about Jesus’ identity
For those new to the Bible or new to Christianity we recommend our 21 days 5 to 10 minute reading the Gospel of John a chapter a day here. Or our 21 days 15 to 20 minute Bible reading of the Gospel of John sent by email each day. More information or to sign up here.
A Daily Bible Method Reading of the Bible Done Successfully here
(Bible Reading Methods, Structures of the Bible, Best Translations to Use,Where to Start )
A Daily Morning & Evening Reading Devotional Plan from Jan to Dec here
A Day Study in Stewardship by Tim Keller here
A vindication of Gospel Truths by John Bunyan here
Christ - Our Life by Ruth Paxson here
Evangelism 101 Laying The Foundation by Matt Waymeyer here
From Grace To Glory Or Born Again by Octavius Winslow here
His Life A Complete Story in the Words of the Four Gospels by Sydney Strong here
Life On The Highest Plane - Volume 1 - The Person & Work of Christ by Ruth Paxson here
(1. Human Life on Three Planes, 2. God's First Man - The First Adam, 3. Life on the Lowest Plane - The Entrance of Sin Into Man, 4. Life on the Lowest Plane - The Rule of Sin Over Man, 5. Satan & God in Conflict, 6. False & Futile Attempts for Salvation, 7. The Chasm Bridged, 8. God's Second Man - The Last Adam, 9. Four Spans in the Bridge of Salvation - Incarnation 10. Four Spans in the Bridge of Salvation-Crucifixion, 11. Four Spans in the Bridge of Salvation - Resurrection, 12. Four Spans in the Bridge of Salvation - Ascension and Exaltation 13. The Crowning Work of Jesus Christ in Salvation)
Life On The Highest Pane - Volume 2 - The Relation Between Christ & the Christian by Ruth Paxson here
(14. Grace Triumphant Over Sin, 15. Christ Our Saviour - The Bridge Crossed, 16. Christ Our Head - A New Creation Formed, 17. Christ Our Lord - A New Sovereign in a New Sphere, 18. Christ Our Life - A Perfect Oneness Effected, 19. Christ Our Sanctification - A People For His Possession and Use, 20. Christ Our Captain and Conqueror - Conflict and Conquest, 21. Life on the Highest Plane, 22. Carnal or Spiritual, 23. The Christian's Choice - Self or Christ?
Life On The Highest Plane - Volume 3 - The Believer's Response to the Holy Spirit's In working by Ruth Paxson here
(24. The Spirit-filled Life, 25. The Prerequisite to Fullness — Cleansing, 26. The Believer's Part in Becoming Spirit-filled — Yielding, 27. The Believer's Part in Becoming Spirit-filled — Faith,
28. The Believer's Part in Becoming Spirit-filled — Obedience, 29. The Believer's Part in Becoming Spirit-filled — Bible Study, 30. The Believer's Part in Becoming Spirit-filled — Prayer, 31. The Works of the Spiritual Man, 32. The Relationships of the Spiritual Man, 33. The Hope of the Spiritual Man, 34. The Story of Salvation Told in Five Chapters)
Love Builds Up by Rosco Brong here
Love Builds Up, Are You going to Heaven, Wages of Sin-Death, Repent & Believe the Gospel, Have You Counted the Cost, Evidences of the New Birth, Heirs of the Kingdom, Justified from All Things, This is Everlasting Life, Walking with God, Spiritual Blessings, Spiritual Sacrifices, etc.
Grace And Truth by Octavius Winslow here
Marks of the New Birth by John Wesley here
No Condemnation In Christ Jesus by Octavius Winslow here
The Anxious Inquirer After Salvation Directed & Encouraged by John A. James here
The Friend At Midnight (Notes on the Parables) by R. C. Trench here
The Fullness Of Christ by Octavius Winslow here
The Glory Of The Redeemer by Octavius Winslow here
(The Redeemer, the Revelation of the Father's Glory, The Typical Glory of the Redeemer, The Prophetical Glory of the Redeemer, The Glory of the Redeemer in His Humiliation, The Glory of the Redeemer in His Resurrection, The Glory of the Redeemer in His Ascension & Exaltation, The Glory of the Redeemer in His People, The Holy Spirit Glorifying the Redeemer, The Glory of the Redeemer in His Second Coming)
The Good Samaritan (Notes on the Parables) by R. C. Trench here
The Great Supper (Notes on the Parables) by R. C. Trench here
The Hid Treasure (Notes on the Parables) by R. C. Trench here
The Husbandmen (Notes on the Parables) by R. C. Trench here
The Inner Life by Octavius Winslow here
The Kingdom of God is Within You by Andrew Murray here
(The Kingdom of God, The Indwelling of God, Jesus Christ in You, Daily Fellowship With God)
The King's Son (Notes on the Parables) by R. C. Trench here
The Laborers in the Vineyard (Notes on the Parables) by R. C. Trench here
The Leaven (Notes on the Parables) by R. C. Trench here
The Lord My Portion or Daily Need Divinely Supplied by Octavius Winslow here
The Lost Money (Notes on the Parables) by R. C. Trench here
The Lord's Table by Andrew Murray here
The Lost Sheep (Notes on the Parables) by R. C. Trench here
The Ministry of Home by Octavius Winslow here
(The Christian Family, The Desire to See Jesus, The Heart Opened, The Lord's Time of Love, Christ Not Hidden, The Woman that Left Her Water pot, The Power of the Tongue, The Gift of Suffering, The Bereaved Home, The Influence of Companionship, Gracious Surprisals, etc.)
The Mustard Seed (Notes on the Parables) by R. C. Trench here
The Nightingale Song Of David by Octavius Winslow here
(Christ the Shepherd, Green Pastures, Still Waters, The Restored Sheep, The Valley, The Rod & The Staff, The Banquet, The Anointing, The overflowing Cup, Heaven, At Last and Forever, Hell, At Last and Forever)
The Power of the Word of God by R. A. Torrey here
(The Word of God has Power to Convict of Sin, The Word of God has Power to Regenerate, The Word of God has Power to Produce Faith, The Word of God has Power to Cleanse, The Word of God has Power to Build Up, The Word of God has Power to Make Wise, The Word of God has Power to give Assurance of Eternal Life, The Word of God has Power to bring Peace into the Heart, The Word of God has Power to Produce Joy, Patience Comfort and Hope also come Through the Word of God, The Word of God has Power to Protect from Error and Sin)
The Precious Things Of God by Octavius Winslow here
(The Preciousness of Christ, the Preciousness of Faith, The Preciousness of Trial, The Preciousness of God's Thoughts, The Preciousness of the Divine Promises, The Preciousness of Christ's Blood, The Precious Anointing, The Preciousness of God's Children, The Preciousness of God's Word, The Preciousness of Prayer, The Preciousness of Christ's Sympathy With Our Infirmities, The Death of the Saints Precious)
The Rich Fool (Notes on the Parables) by R. C. Trench here
The Sower (Notes on the Parables) by R. C. Trench here
The Strait Way to Heaven by William Dyer here
The Success of the Ministry of the Gospel, Owing to a Divine Influence by Samuel Davies here
The Sympathy of Christ by Octavius Winslow here
(Sympathy, an Element of Christ's Nature, The Sigh of Christ, The Tears of Christ, The Emotion of Anger in Christ, The Silence of Christ, The Emotion of Love in Christ, The Sensitiveness of Christ to Suffering, Christ Sympathy with Temptation, Christ's Parting Sympathy, etc.)
The Talents (Notes on the Parables) by R. C. Trench here
The Tares (Notes on the Parables) by R. C. Trench here
The Ten Virgins (Notes on the Parables) by R. C. Trench here
The Tree Of Life by Octavius Winslow here
(The Shadow of Christ, Truths Learned at Bethlehem, Be Not Afraid, Christ Washing His Disciples Feet, The Service of Love, Patience in Suffering, Help and Salvation in Christ, etc.)
The True Gospel of Christianity versus the False Gospel of Carnal Christianity by L. R. Shelton here
The Two Debtors (Notes on the Parables) by R. C. Trench here
The Two Sons (Notes on the Parables) by R. C. Trench here
The Unmerciful Servant (Notes on the Parables) by R. C. Trench here
Titles of Christ by Octavius Winslow here
(Christ - Emmanuel, Christ - the Wonderful, Christ - the Counselor, Christ - the Mighty God, Christ - the Everlasting Father, Christ - the Prince of Peace, Christ - a Man of Sorrow, Christ - the Resurrection and the Life, Christ - Our Righteousness, Christ - the Alpha and Omega)
Unbelief A Marvel by J. C. Ryle here
Victory by J. C. Ryle here
Begin to follow the Lord Jesus as your Savior. Tell others about Him, and invite them also to do what you have just done. Read your Bible every day. Pray to God, and thank Him, and trust in Him. Find a good Bible believing Church, where they teach the Word of God, and will help you to come to know the Lord Jesus Christ better, and how to follow Him according to His Word. God bless you. Brian
Be Available – Abandon yourself to God and to His call on your life. Tell Him you will go
anywhere and do anything that He shows you as His will for you.
Be Informed – Don’t hide behind ignorance. Gather all the information you can so you
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it will be easier for you to meet some of them.
Be Inspired – Checkout our booklist and get hold of some inspiring biographies of
Christian missionaries. You will all find out that most “missionary greats” are just common
people who decided to let their love for God and their love for the lost overrule their
own desires in life – allowing God to use them in bold and wonderful ways.
Expect An Open Door – Expect God to give you an opportunity to fully serve Him
through this new information you are exposing yourself to. Then when He opens the
door – walk through it!
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