Children & Family
We believe in a real God, who really cares and who has great plans for you. We’d love for you to come and visit us at our sister website Questions God. Com and see what we’re all about here.
The title "family altar" simply means family Bible study and worship time. Every Christian family should have such a time daily. It is amazing how few families really take this seriously and practice this routinely. It is the best guarantee to have Christian children with good moral standards that do not drift through the teen years...
Children's Stories
Children's Inspirational Christian Bible Stories that are simple and easy and quick to read that you can share with your children straight out of God's Word here.
Child's Story
Child's Story of the Bible with many stories from each book of the Bible here.
Creative Bible Reading Methods for Children & Teens
Many of the guidelines for great kids’ devotions start with a level of simplicity that we as adults sometimes take for granted. Ten minutes is a great goal for a beginner’s devotion time. Consider the following 4 basics when encouraging kids toward establishing a 10-minute devotion time here.
Family Alter Time
The title "family altar" simply means family Bible reading and studying and worship time. Every Christian family should have such a time daily go here.
Fun Stuff
The Christian Daily Trivia Quiz is different each day, so come back often. Excellent to use for a daily devotion, especially with computer savvy families here.
Bible Stories. These are a few stories and nonfiction reading passages here.
Study the Bible
Approaching Bible study may seem like a daunting task. But God intends for us to study His Word, no matter where we are in our Christian walk and growth here.
The Children's Bible
Children's Bible Online. The Old Testament. 1. The Story of Creation · 2. God's Good Gifts to Man · 3. The First Disobedience · 4. Cain and His Brother Abel · 5. Noah and the Great Flood · 6. The Story of the Tower of Babel · 7. Abraham the Friend of God and Man · 8. Lot's Escape from a Wicked City · 9. God's Care for the Boy ... here.
Wee One's Bible Stories
This is a short book of Bible Stories for Children.This book is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever here.
Youth and Young Adults
Topics for Youth and Young Adults: What is Dating, Infatuation and True Love, Old Enough to Date, How to Stay out of Trouble, and much more here.
Bible Games Central is all about conveying Bible truths through fun and captivating activities. We believe that learning the Bible should never be boring! At www.BibleGamesCentral.com, you will find a variety of games suitable for children, youths and even adults. Each game comes with Bible learning points, recommended scripture passages and discussion questions here.
Launching Heroes II - The Bible Trivia Gaming App which is a mobile gaming app for those who wants to learn the Bible.
You can choose different Bible Characters and answer through the questions in different stages of the game. There will also be perks like superpowers and sorts as you progress through the game.
If this is something that interests you and your children to help them understand the bible in a fun way, do check us out here.
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