Creative Bible Reading
Methods For Children & Teens
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Creative Bible Reading Methods
For Children & Teens
Recommend printing out the PDF here or the Word here and keep a copy in your Bible.
Love the idea of beginners starting to read with the Bible. But how do you pick the right passages? How can they understand it? And how can you build consistency? These are all valid questions. Just a note when we refer to children these are also excellent methods for teenagers.
Many of the guidelines for great kids’ devotions start with a level of simplicity that we as adults sometimes take for granted. Ten minutes is a great goal for a beginner’s devotion time. Consider the following 4 basics when encouraging kids toward establishing a 10-minute devotion time.
4 Basics for a 10 Minute Bible reading and devotional with your Children.
Basic 1: Kids can read the Bible. We take this fact for granted. The fact is that for centuries people did not own Bibles. Now we have Bibles in a variety of formats for all ages and kinds of people. Recommend Christian Book. Com for Children’s Bibles.
Basic 2: Kids can learn to apply Bible teaching to their lives. God will use the Holy Spirit to draw kids to God, convict them of sin, and affirm the truth. This is where explanation and devotion—which makes the Bible real and applicable to the everyday life of your child—is crucial.
Basic 3: Kids can learn truths about God and Jesus. In other words, our children can also be little theologians. They can talk about God, learn what the Bible teaches, and share the gospel message with others. They can build faith as they spend time with God each day.
Basic 4: Kids can pray to God (talking and listening). Think about it. The Supreme God of the Universe wants to keep an open line of communication with our kids. Teach kids to talk to God and listen.
Ten minute challenge is a simple Bible reading plan designed to help younger children develop a basic understanding of Scripture and a love for reading God’s Word. We have 10 minute plans, 2 week plans, 30 day reading plans here our sister website at Children’s Bible reading Plans, but the time frame for completion is up to you and age of the children. We understand that when you have kids…life happens, and you may not be able to find time every day.
Creative Bible Reading Methods For Children & Teens
Pick a Bible reading time that works for the whole family like after breakfast or before bedtime and one I like personally is after your supper meal sitting around the dinner table. So how do you help your kids stay in God’s Word? Check out the following things you can do to help teach kids to have a daily time with God.
Pray and ask God to be with your time in His Word and invite God to speak to you through your reading.
Model to kids how to have a quiet time with God. Have a quiet time together so that a child will understand.
Treat the Bible with respect as you handle and carry it, affirming its trustworthiness, authority, and reliability.
Read a passage out loud together.
Ask kids what they think the passage means.
Memorize important verses.
Talk about what actions God is telling you to take as a result of your Bible reading. Take action where God tells you to take action!
Respond to God in prayer.
Journal about the things you are learning and God’s answers to your prayers. Thank God for answering your prayers.
Notice how this starts and ends with prayer and opening yourself to God speaking and your taking action. What great lessons for our kids! It is even better to take this journey together and read the same passages and talk about them together.
Children and the Bible - Getting Started
The Bible is a big book, and we are blessed to have such a collection of inspired writing—the Word of God—literally at our fingertips. Yet, due to its sheer volume, and writing style, children usually find it difficult to pick up and read a standard version of the Bible.
So how does one explain such a big book to children?—a book that has puzzled the most learned of theologians and Bible scholars. Here are few creative pointers to help children get started:
Start off with well-known Bible stories, then gradually include short psalms and passages such as the Beatitudes, the parables, the armor of God etc.
Find a way to apply the Bible to your child’s everyday life. Teach your child as you go about daily activities.
Deuteronomy 6:5-7.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”
Discuss the attitudes and actions that should be evident in our lives. Link examples from Biblical characters to the life encounters of your child, and discuss how we should react in those situations.
Pray that the Holy Spirit will enlighten your child’s heart. The Holy Spirit uses the written Word and transforms it to the living Word in our hearts. He gives children incredible insight because their hearts are so open to spiritual things.
Matthew 18:3 “And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
Expand your child’s horizon. Broaden his or her knowledge base by looking up places on Bible maps here, explaining big Bible words, and finding relevant Bible pictures here. Place the story in context by briefly explaining the events that had led to that point by Bible illustrations here for children.
Provide variety. Reading the same stories in the same way can lose its effectiveness. Check out our Children’s Stories section here. Use Christian Trivia Quiz here, Bible games; look up cross-references; allow questions; notice detail.
Where there is dialogue, assign a character to each one so that different members of the family get a turn to read their part. Scan the reading and look for a name or word that appears numerous times. Then, whenever the name or word is read, your child should clap or make a certain sound. This helps them to keep focused.
Encourage consistency by providing structure—a convenient time and a reading plan.
Remember: Children imitate what they see. If they see you enjoying God’s Word, it’s very likely they will too.
Provide a quiet space with limited distractions.
Get an age appropriate, easy to read translation of the Bible. NIV, NLT or ESV are great for kids here .Encourage your child to write or draw in a journal answering: “What is happening” & “What is God telling me”?
More Bible Reading Methods For Children And Teens
It is important for a child to have his or her own Bible.
Recommend buying online at Christian Book. Com for Children’s Bibles.
A child should be taught that the Word of God is a precious treasure and should be cared for.
A bookmark is a good way to keep the place where the child is reading. Bookmarks with memory verses serve a double purpose. A simple bookmark can be made from card stock and decorated.
Older children should be encouraged to learn the books of the Bible.
The Bible should be read daily—it is our source of spiritual food.
Choosing A suitable Children's Bible
Illustrated Bible story books
* Recommended for toddlers and preschoolers here or buy online a Children’s Devotions here.
Selected passages are condensed and retold in a simple storybook format. These illustrated books serve as a good introduction to some of the favorite stories in the Bible. Small children regard their Bible story book as their Bible.
* Great for primary school children.
Paraphrased versions of the Bible are easy to read. Although not technically a translation, a paraphrase conveys the content reasonably accurately. A disadvantage of a paraphrase is when it is used to try and follow a passage being read from a standard translation. An example of a paraphrase is the New Living Bible. To buy online go here.
Children’s Bibles (in standard translations) here.
* Suitable for children in middle school through to their early teens.
These are based on common translations, such as the New International Version, and include maps, interesting facts, definitions, devotions etc.
Gospel booklets
* Especially suitable for evangelism.
For a child unfamiliar with the Bible, the Gospels are a great place to start. The key doctrines of our faith are interwoven in the narrative of people’s interaction with the Son of God, who came to save us. These are 12 short term commitments each two week reading plans for children and teens and for those new to the Bible. One is two weeks on the Life and Teaching of Jesus and the second one is two weeks on becoming a Christian here.
Audio Bible (on CD) or free online Bible Gateway
* Effective for auditory learners
While some children are visual learners, others learn and remember better by listening to someone. These children typically don’t like reading but are quite willing to listen to someone read to them. For such, an audio version of the Bible is ideal, but adult guidance may be necessary to select a certain passage, as well as remove potential distractions while listening. Free online at Bible Gateway here.
Bible Reading Guides
Unlike an ordinary novel, the Bible is a collection of books—almost like a library. However, the books are not in strict chronological order, and some overlap. It is quite understandable, therefore, that children feel overwhelmed by the volume of text, and confused about how it all fits together. They want to know where to start reading the Bible so that it makes sense.
Children need some form of structure—a plan to follow—and preferably, a simple explanation of what they have read. Check out our Children’s Bible Reading Plans here. The following options provide structure, although not all of these provide a explanation of the text.
These refer to a Bible passage and explain, or illustrate by means of a story, what the passage is about. Recommend online with Christian Book. Com for Children’s Devotional Bibles some under $10.00 here our Children’s Devotionals here. They may include questions, a memory verse, and a practical application.
Topical study guides
These deal with a certain theme or topic by referencing relevant Scripture passages or verses. Each section may include thought-provoking questions, practical applications, and possibly some activities. You can buy here.
Bible Reading Plans
For all ages our 70 Bible Reading Plans here.
For all ages our Bible Studying Methods here.
Children’s & Teen’s Bible Reading Plans here.
Kids Bible Reading Plans here.
For children would recommend our Children’s Bible Reading Plans here or our 2 Week Bible Reading Plans here.
Take the Challenge! Gospel of John -21 Day Bible Reading Plan here and the second one is 15 to 20 minutes sent once a day for 21 days by email. More information here.
Would recommend our Bible reading plans 1 to 12 for those new to the Bible or are a new Christian here.
Plan 1 - 5 minutes a day - 21 days Bible reading Challenge - on the Gospel of John.
Plan 2 - 15 minutes a day - 21 days Bible Reading Challenge - on the Gospel of John.
Plan 3 - For those just starting out - 31 days - Encounter with Jesus.
Plan 4 - New to Bible or New Christians - 31 days - Know God's Plan for You.
Plan 5 - New Believers - 45 days - All 4 Gospels - (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John).
Plan 6 - Reading the New Testament (Matthew to Revelation) in 90 days.
Plan 7 - Reading the New Testament and Genesis in 90 days in 20 minutes a day.
Plan 8 - Reading from Genesis to Revelation in 90 days for Strong Readers.
Plan 9 - Reading from Acts to Revelation, Psalms, Proverbs & Ecclesiastes in 6 months.
Plan 10 - For Beginner's - Reading 40% of the Bible in 170 days with 3 chapters a day.
Plan 11 - For Strong Readers reading the Bible in 6 months with 7 chapters a day.
Plan 12 - Survey of the Bible for Beginners in one year with only 15 verses a day.
Recommendour Bible reading plans 1 to 12 for those new to the Bible or are a new Christian here.
A ten minute challenge is a simple Bible reading plan designed to help children develop a basic understanding of Scripture and a love for reading God’s Word.
Children imitate what they see. If they see you enjoying God’s Word, it’s very likely they will too.
Provide a quiet space with limited distractions.
Get an age appropriate, easy to read translation of the Bible. NIV, NLT or ESV are great for kids. Recommend online with Christian Book. Com for Children’s Devotional Bibles some under $10.00 here our Children’s Devotionals here
Encourage your child to write or draw in a journal answering: “What is happening” & “What is God telling me”?
Recommend printing out the PDF here or the Word here and keep a copy in your Bible.
Bible Study Guides that are relevant, engaging and life-changing —- making your life better now, and giving you a real, solid hope for your future. Use these study guides to improve your understanding of the Bible and strengthen your faith Each Bible reading plan is different in type and length. They are as varied as each individual so you have many to choose from. Consider the following options, but remember to choose one. Regular reading in God's Word is not optional. It's a necessity!
Request any of our free Study Guides here.
- God’s Simple Plan of Salvation – Searching for Answers – 3 week guide here.
- New Christian Study Guide – New To Christianity – 3 week study guide here.
- Steps to Spiritual Maturity Guide – Nurturing Resources – 3 week guide here.
- The Gospel of John – Knowing God Better – Personal book study - 3 weeks here.
- Inspirational Daily Devotionals – Encouraging Spiritual Reflections – daily here.
- Monthly Newsletter – Christ Centered Information – once a month here.
- Personal Evangelism Training – Share the Gospel – fun creative way here.
- Bible Studies – Instructive Resources – connecting you nearer to God here.
Free Study Guides
If you are looking for a Bible we have a list of excellent Bibles that you can order online depending in what country you live in for under $15.00 USD here.
Use one of our many daily Bible reading plans to easily read Scriptures. Reading the Bible daily is important to grow your faith and hope! They range from two week commitments to year-long commitments, from reading straight through cover to cover, to topical readings, to a mixture of readings each day. Check out our 70 Bible Reading Plans at our sister website Questions God. Com 70 BIBLE READING PLANS HERE.
New to the Bible or New Christians Bible Reading Plans - Each plan is different - Plans 1-12 here
Blended Bible Reading Plans - Old and New Testament combined daily - Plans 13-17 here.
Classic One & Two Year Plans - From the Beginning Genesis to the end of Revelation in order - Plans 18-23 here.
Chronological One Year Plans - Read the events of the Bible in the order they occurred - Plans: 24-25 here.
Genres (Literature) Style One Year Plans - Reading the different Genre types - Plans: 26-27 here.
Short Term Reading Commitments - Two week Plans for those with busy schedules - Plans 29 -41 here.
Children's Bible Reading Plans - 10 minutes a day for Children and Family Bible Readings - Plans 42-50 here.
Assorted & Diverse Excellent Bible Reading Plans - Variety of Books of the Bible Reading Plans - Plans 51-70 here.
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The scriptures are perfect, but men are fallible. I prayerfully check all of the material I put on my sites. However, I am quite capable of missing something or making a mistake. If you find anything at all on these pages that is questionable or find any links broken please contact us here.
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