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By Edward M. Bounds
Edward M. Bounds (1835-1913) practiced law for three years until he was called to preach the gospel. While serving as chaplain during the Civil War, he was captured and held prisoner in Nashville, Tennessee. After his release, he held several pastorates. His books on prayer have been continual best-sellers for over fifty years.
The Necessity of Prayer by Edward M. Bounds here
We turn to a saying of our Lord, which there is needed to emphasize, since it is the very keystone of the arch of faith and prayer.
"Therefore I say unto you, what things so ever ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye
receive them, and ye shall have them."
We should ponder well that statement -- "Believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." Here is described a faith which realizes, which appropriates, which takes. Such faith is a consciousness of the Divine, an experienced communion, a realized certainty. Is the preservation of the Bounds manuscripts to the present time has clearly been providential.
The Essentials of Prayer by Edward M. Bounds here
The Essentials of Prayer is sent forth in this spirit. May God bless it to many hearts and use it for the up building and strengthening of Christian character through the length and breadth of the land.
Power Through Prayer by Edward M. Bounds here
Power through Prayer has been called one of the truly great masterpieces on the theme of prayer. The term classic can appropriately be applied to this outstanding book. In twenty provocative and inspiring chapters, each prefaced with quotations from spiritual giants, Edward M. Bounds stresses the imperative of vital prayer in the life of a pastor.
He says, . . ." every preacher who does not make prayer a mighty factor in his own life and ministry is weak as a factor in God's work and is powerless to project God's cause in this world"..
Purpose in Prayer by Edward M. Bounds here
My Creed leads me to think that prayer is efficacious, and surely a day asking God to overrule all events for good is not lost. Still there is a great feeling that when a man is praying he is doing nothing, and this feeling makes us give undue importance to work, sometimes even to the hurrying over or even to the neglect of prayer.
Do not we rest in our day too much on the arm of flesh? Cannot the same wonders be
done now as of old? Do not the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole
earth still to show Himself strong on behalf of those who put their trust in Him? Oh
that God would give me more practical faith in Him! Where is now the Lord God of
Elijah? He is waiting for Elijah to call on Him.—James Gilmour of Mongolia
The Reality of Prayer by Edward M. Bounds here
What David Brainerd’s Journal did for Cary, Martyn, McCheyne, Bounds’ books can do for thousands of God’s children. He was a man who lived ever on prayer ground. He walked and talked with the Lord. Prayer was the great weapon in his arsenal, his pathway to the Throne of Grace. None who read what he has written can fail of realizing that Edward M. Bounds talked with God, as a man talked to his friend.
The Weapon of Prayer by Edward M. Bounds here
“Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am. Then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.” Isaiah 58:9
Prayer and Praying Men by Edward M. Bounds here
Rev. Edward M. Bounds was passionately devoted to his beloved Lord and Saviour Jesus
Christ. His devotion was extraordinary in that he was praying and writing about Him all the time. God gave Bounds an enlargedness of heart and an insatiable desire to do service for Him. To this end he enjoyed what I am pleased to term an inspiration, else he could never have brought out of his treasury things new and old far exceeding anything we have known or read in the last half century. There is no man that has lived since the days of the apostles that has surpassed him in the depths of his marvelous research into the Life of Prayer.
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Read Slowly read the passage listed. The passages are relatively short, so take time to consider each phrase. If you do not understand something, you might refer to your Bible's study notes.
Apply Ponder the brief interpretation in light of the passage. What is the biblical writer trying to say? What is the main point? Using the thought-provoking questions, seek the Spirit's guidance
regarding your own response to the passage. These are not quick fill-in-the-blank questions; they are intended to cause you to slow down and meditate on the truth God is teaching you. How does the biblical teaching apply to your life? Where do you need to grow or change? How has Christ already changed you?
Pray for a genuinely transformed life enabled to live as Christ lived. You might use this time to pray for other issues as well. Praise Christ for his goodness.
Do Daily suggestions that help drive the message in practical ways deep into your heart and life.
How to Get the Most from your Christian Walk when reading the Bible.
1. Remove hindrances.
a. Remove the love of every sin.
b. Remove the distracting concerns of this world, especially covetousness Matt. 13:22
c. Don't make jokes with and out of Scripture.
2. Prepare your heart. 1 Sam. 7:3 Do this by:
a. Collecting your thoughts.
b. Purging unclean affections and desires.
c. Not coming to it rashly or carelessly.
3. Read it with reverence, considering that each line is God speaking directly to you.
4. Read the Bible faithfully each day.
5. Get a true understanding of Scripture. Ps. 119:73 This is best achieved by comparing relevant parts of Scripture with each other.
6. Read with seriousness. Deut. 32:47 The Christian life is to be taken seriously since it requires striving Luke 13:24 and not falling short Heb. 4:1.
7. Persevere in remembering what you read. Ps. 119:52 Don't let it be stolen from you Matt. 13:4,19. If it doesn't stay in your memory it is unlikely to be much benefit to you.
8. Meditate on what you read. Ps. 119:15 The Hebrew word for meditate' means to be intense in the mind'. Meditation without reading is wrong and bound to err; reading without meditation is barren and fruitless. It means to stir the affections, to be warmed by the fire of meditation Ps.39:3.
9. Read with a humble heart. Acknowledge that you are unworthy that God should reveal himself to you James 4:6
10. Believe it all to be God's Holy Word. 2 Tim 3:16 We know that no sinner could have written it because of the way it describes sin. No saint could blaspheme God by pretending his own Word was God's. No angel could have written it for the same reason. Heb 4:2
11. Prize the Bible highly. Ps. 119:72 It is your lifeline; you were born by it James 1:18 you need to grow by it 1 Pet 2:2 Job 23:12.
12. Love the Bible ardently Ps. 119:159.
13. Come to read it with an honest heart. Luke 8:15 (a) Willing to know the entire and complete will of God (b) reading in order to be changed and made better by it John 17:17.
14. Apply to yourself everything that you read, take every word as spoken to yourself. Its condemnation of sins as the condemnation of your own sin; the duty that it requires as the duty God would require from you 2 Kings 22:11.
15. Pay close attention to the commands of the Word as much as the promises. Think of how you need direction just as much as you need comfort.
16. Don't get carried away with the minor details, rather make sure to pay closest attention to the great things Hosea 8:12.
17. Compare yourself with the Word. How do you compare? Is your heart something of a transcript of it, or not?
18. Pay special attention to those passages that speak to your individual, particular and present situation. examples.
(a) Affliction -- Heb. 12:7, Isaiah 27:9, John 16:20, 2 Cor 4:17.
(b) Sense of Christ's presence and smile withdrawn -- Ps 119:93
(c) Let it not only inform you but also inflame you Jer 23:29, Luke 24:32.
19. Put into practice what you read Ps 119:66, Ps 119:105, Deut 17:19.
20. Christ is for us Prophet, Priest and King. Make use of His office as a Prophet Rev 5:5, John 8:12, Ps 119:102-103. Get Christ not only to open the Scriptures up to you, but to open up your mind and understanding Luke 24:45.
21. Make sure to put yourself under a true ministry of the Word, faithfully and thoroughly expounding the Word be earnest and eager in waiting on it Prov 8:34.
22. Pray that you will profit from reading Isaiah 48:17, Ps 119:18, Nehemiah 9:20.
23. Natural obstacles You may still be able to profit from reading even though:
(a)You don't seem to profit as much as others do. Remember the different yields Matt 13:8 though the yield isn't as much as others it is still a true and fruitful yield.
(b) You may feel slow of understanding Luke 9:45, Heb 5:11.
(c)Your memory is bad, remember you are still able to have a good heart despite this and you may still remember the most important things even if you cannot remember everything, be encouraged by John 14:26.
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