100's of Sermons of Great Men of God and Great Preachers here.
To see a list of Christian Preachers by Denomination here.
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Aimee S. Mcpherson The Revival Legacy of A. Mcpherson by Gary B. McGee here
Andrew Murray - Absolute Surrender here
The Apostle Of Abiding Love.
"Murray was an alert and intense man, continuing on in his writings until his death at age eighty nine. His burning desire to transpose all that lay on his heart and spirit to paper was revealed in the presence of several manuscripts in various stages of completion at the time of his death."
A. J. Gordon - Fifty Eight A. J. Gordon Quotations here
Christ calms the heart now.
Adoniram Judson Gordon was born in New Hampshire in 1836 to devout Christian parents. At about age fifteen he was saved. One year later he expressed his desire to prepare for the ministry.
A. T. Pierson The Life Of... by Tom Stewart here
A. W. Tozer - The Pursuit of God here
A Life In Pursuit of God
"Although A. W. Tozer died in 1963, his life and spiritual legacy continue to draw many into a deeper knowledge of God. Tozer walked a path in his spiritual life that few attempt, characterized by a relentless and loving pursuit of God. "
Billy Graham The personal Story by Stanley High here
Billy Sunday The Man & His Message by William T. Ellis here
Billy Sunday The Man & The Method by Frederick W. Betts here
Brother Lawrence - The Practice of the Presence of God here
Practiced the presence of God.
" Brother Lawrence was a French monk (Carmelite) who lived from 1611 to 1691. Prior to becoming a monk he was known as Nicholas Herman of Lorraine. Like St. Francis, as a young man he was a soldier, but after becoming a monk he lived a quiet life performing various domestic chores for his monastery."
Catherine Booth by Colonel Mildred Duff here
Charles G. Finney an Auto-Biography here
The Persuaded Life.
No other person has influenced the subject of revival in America like Charles Grandson Finney. Nor did anyone better represent the untamed spirit of frontier America in the 19th century than Finney. His life and ministry spanned continents and controversy. In America, Finney was considered the father of modern revivalism with over 500,000 conversions resulting from his ministry.
Charles H. Spurgeon Conversion by Charles H. Spurgeon here
The Prince of Preachers.
"An English Nonconformist, was born at Kelvedon, Essex, on the 19th of June 1834. He was the grandson of an Essex pastor, and son of John Spurgeon, Independent minister at Upper Street, Islington. The following is a self written testimony of how Charles Spurgeon came to Christ."
David Brainerd Diary here
David Brainerd - The Journal of Brainerd by David Brainerd here
The Empowered Life.
"Dwight Moody was one of history's most influential and effective servants of God. It is estimated that during Moody's lifetime, he traveled more than one million miles, spoke to more than 100 million people, and led hundreds of thousands, if not millions, to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ."
Dwight L. Moody by J. Gilchrist Lawson here
Dwight L Moody Sayings here
Dwight L Moody - Why God Used D. L. Moody by R. A. Torrey here
E. M. Bounds - Prayer and Praying Men by E. M. Bounds here
The mighty prayer warrior.
"E. M. Bounds was born in Missouri in 1835. He studied deeply in the scriptures, and was greatly inspired by the writings of John Wesley. At the age of twenty-four he felt called to be a preacher, and became pastor of a small Methodist congregation in Monticello, Missouri."
Foxes Book of Martyrs here
F. B. Meyer The Way Into the Holiest by F. B. Meyer here
One of the greatly loved preachers of his day.
Said one author: "The phrasing of Meyer's sermons was simple and direct; he polished his discourses as an artist polishes a perfect stone. There was always a glowing imagery in his words; his speech was pastoral, lovely as an English valley washed in sunlight... In his day, great wars raged. Those who went to hear him forgot the battles."
George Fox an Autobiography here
The unshakable Shaker.
When George Fox was about 23, he began preaching to others the truths revealed to him. He was mightily used of God. Thus he came in the nick of time "to save the church from deadness and formalism, and the world from infidelity." He was sent of God to call the church to real spiritual worship.
His preaching was plain but powerful. It may have lacked eloquence or clearness, it may have been given in involved sentences and been almost unintelligible, but the Holy Ghost was never lacking in all of Fox's discourses. He excelled in prayer
George Fox Journal or Historical Account of George Fox here
George Muller of Bristol by Arthur T. Pierson here
George Muller A Narrative of Some of the Lord's Dealings Part 1 here
George Muller A Narrative of Some of the Lord's Dealings Part 2 here
George Muller A Narrative of Some of the Lord's Dealings Part 3 here
George Muller A Narrative of Some of the Lord's Dealings Part 4 here
George Whitefield and His Ministry by J. C. Ryle here
Deep passion for the Gospel.
"In 1737, when only a twenty-two year old Oxford graduate, George Whitefield's voice startled England like a trumpet blast. Attacked by clergy, press and mob alike, Whitefield nevertheless became the most popular and influential preacher of the age. At a time when London had a population of less than 700,000, he could hold spellbound 20,000 people at a time at Moorfields and Kennington Common."
Gypsy Smith - His Life & Work By Himself here
Harry A. Ironside Biography by Ed Reese here
A Unique Ministry.
Never formally ordained and with no experience whatever as a pastor, Ironside took over the 4,000-seat Moody Memorial Church in Chicago and often filled it to capacity for 18 1/2 years.
Hudson Taylor A Retrospect by Hudson Taylor here
The Exchanged Life.
"James Hudson Taylor was born into a Christian home in England where zeal for Christ was the mainspring. Born in 1832, Taylor's parents had prayed: "Dear God, if You should give us a son, grant that he may work for You in China.""
Hudson Taylor and the China Inland Mission... Vol 2 by Hudson Taylor here
Hudson Taylor in Early Years-The Growth of a Soul Vol 1 by Hudson Taylor here
Hudson Taylor - The Life & Ministry of J. Hudson Taylor by Ed Reese here.
J. C. Ryle Farewell to the Diocese here
First Bishop of Liverpool.
Ryle combined his commanding presence and vigorous advocacy of his principles with graciousness and warmth in his personal relations. Vast numbers of working men and women attended his special preaching meetings, and many were led to faith in Christ.
John Bunyan - A Continuation of Mr. Bunyan's Life here
English Baptist preacher and writer.
"John Bunyan was born in Elstow, England, near Bedford, where he spent most of his life. Although today he is regarded as a literary genius, he had little formal education. At the age of sixteen, this rough and profane young man enlisted in the army of Parliament, and saw active duty during the English Civil War. In 1647, at the age of 19, he married a young woman, who persuaded him to attend church with her regularly, where he heard the Gospel."
John Bunyan - Grace Abounding To The Chief of Sinners here
(...The Exceeding Mercy of God in Christ, To His Poor Servant, John Bunyan)
John Bunyan- Life of Bunyan by James Hamilton here
John Bunyan - Relation of His Imprisonment& Efforts of His Wife... here
John Bunyan - The Life of John Bunyan by Edmund Venables here
John Bunyan - The Struggler - A Catalogue Table of Mr. Bunyan's Books here
John Flavel - The Life of the John Flavel here
John G. Lake Biography here
English Methodist preacher and writer.
Events led John G Lake to follow his calling into the ministry which would shake two continents, Africa and America. The call of God was so strongly on His life that he sold all that he had, and took his family to Africa where he believed God was calling him to minister the gospel. After a fruitful life during which he served God, and was used of God in the most extraordinary ways, he finally died on 16 September 1935.
John G. Lake Adventures in God by John G. Lake here
John G. Lake From the Diary by John G. Lake here
John G. Lake Portland Vision by John G. Lake here
John Knox - The Life of John Knox by Rev. Thomas M'Crie here
John Owen - The Life of John Owen by Andrew Thomson here
Vigorous exertion of the spirit.
"Theologian, was born of Puritan parents at Stadham in Oxfordshire in 1616. At twelve years of age he was admitted at Queen's College, Oxford, where he took his B. A. degree in 1632 and M. A. in 1635. During these years he worked with such diligence that he allowed himself but four hours sleep a night."
John Sung - Billy Graham of China by Dr. Paul Lee Tan here
John Sung by David Smithers here
John Wesley by Bonamy Dobree here
John Wesley - The Journal of John Wesley by John Wesley here
John Wycliffe by J. C. Ryle here
He wanted to bring God to the common people.
Despite heated opposition from church leaders, John Wycliffe pursued his mission to make God's Word available to all. His strong words and reform efforts shook the very foundation of the Church, he was challenged in public debates, branded a heretic, and pursued for persecution.
Jonathan Edwards - A Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God here
Jonathan Edwards - Memoir of Jonathan Edwards by Sereno E Dwight here
Considered to be one of the men most responsible for the Great Awakening.
Jonathan Edwards and his wife had eleven children. He spent one hour each night in conversation and instruction with his family. His daughter Jerusha was engaged to David Brainerd when he died of tuberculosis. Edwards' two most famous literary works are "The Life and Diary of David Brainerd" (1749) and "Freedom of the Will" (1754). Edwards is buried in Princeton, New Jersey.
Martin Luther by J. A. Wylie here
Martin Luther by Philip Schaff here
Matthew Henry - Life of Matthew Henry by John Bickerton Williams here
Men of the Bible by D. L. Moody here
Oswald J. Smith - A Unique Church by Dr. Oswald J. Smith here
Praying Hyde by Francis A. McGaw here
Reuben Archer Torrey Did I Miss God's Will for My Life by R. A. Torrey here
Personal Soul Winner.
"If you are this moment troubled about any sin that you have ever committed, either in the past or in the present, just look at Jesus on the cross. It is an act of base ingratitude to God to brood over sins that He in His infinite love has canceled."
Robert Murray Mc'Cheyne - The Biography by Andrew A. Bonar here
A man of Fervent Prayer.
It is not how long you live, but how you live that counts." Robert Murray M'Cheyne was a living example of this often neglected truth. At twenty-three years old he was ordained and inducted into the church of St. Peters at Dundee. At thirty years old he finished his course, dying in the spring of 1843.
Samuel Davies - A Sermon on the Death of Samuel Davies by Samuel Finley here
Smith Wigglesworth - Faith Key to Wigglesworth's Ministry by George Stormont here
He lived so that people would only see Jesus.
His ministry is summed up in his own words, "There are four principles we need to maintain: First, read the Word of God. Second, consume the Word of God until it consumes you. Third believe the Word of God. Fourth, act on the Word." As George Stormont put it, "He lived so that people would only see Jesus."
Smith Wigglesworth - Only Believe, All Things are Possible - The Revival Legacy of Smith Wigglesworth by Gary B. McGee here
Stephen Charnock - Life & Character of Charnock by William Symington here
T. Austin-Sparks - God's Spiritual House by T. Austin-Sparks here
As few men have ever known Him.
"T. Austin-Sparks was one of the great spiritual figures of he twentieth century. When the measure of a man's ministry is taken as to how much he exalted Christ, then T. Austin-Sparks is without peer. The golden cord which ran through all his works was the exaltation of his Lord, to read Sparks is to discover Christ as few men have ever known him."
The Preacher's Power and the Conditions of Obtaining It by Charles H. Spurgeon here
William Booth - The Authoritative Life of General William by George S. Railton here
Founder of the Salvation Army
"The idea of an Army fighting sin caught the imagination of the people and the Army began to grow rapidly. Booth's fiery sermons and sharp imagery drove the message home and more and more people found themselves willing to leave their past behind and start a new life as a soldier in The Salvation Army."
William Branham A Man Sent From God by Gordon Lindsay here
100's of Sermons of Great Men of God and Great Preachers here
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