Encyclopedias & Topical Bibles
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1. Dictionaries 2. Encyclopedias 3. Topical Bibles 4. Concordances
Dictionaries & Encyclopedias & Topical Bibles
Bible dictionaries are one of the most practical and useful theological reference books available. The combination of definitions and proper names for Biblical words with online verse reference, allows users to define and analyze Scripture.
Easton's Bible Dictionary Online here
Easton's Bible Dictionary Free Download Page here
Smith's Bible Dictionary by William Smith (PDF file) here
The Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary here.
The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia here
(be patient a very, very large 59MB PDF file) ( will not work on slow download speeds)
Torrey's New Topical Textbook by R. A. Torrey (read online) here
Torrey's New Topical Textbook by R. A. Torrey Complete Zip Download here
Torrey's New Topical Textbook PDF by R. A. Torrey here
(be patient a large 16 MB PDF file)
Torrey's New Topical Textbook by R. A. Torrey (PDF) here
(be patient a very large 16 mb PDF file) (will not work on slow download speeds)
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance By James Strong here.
It is very simple: Pray, Read, Think, Pray.
Ask God to open up His Word to you. "Lord open my eyes that I may see wonders from your Word".
Read a short passage of Scripture about ten to fifteen verses or a chapter. Start with the New Testament first and read it in order from Matthew to Revelation.
Think about what you have just read and ask some of the following questions:
- What does the passage say about God?
What does it say about the Father, about the Son and about the Holy Spirit? - What does the passage say about life?
Does it teach some important principles?
Is there a command to obey, a warning to heed, some wise advice for living? - What does the passage say about your daily situation?
Is there something you should be doing?
Does it shed light on your professional life, family life or church participation? - Has Jesus spoken to you in a special way through the Bible today?
If so what did He say to you?
Write out a prayer to God based on what you have learned from your Bible reading. Something like "Lord help me to love my neighbor as myself." or whatever lesson you have learned that day.
Where should you start when reading the Scriptures? With the material about Jesus. That is the New Testament and especially the gospels. Read the New Testament in order, starting with Matthew and going book by book until you reach the last chapter of Revelation. This will give you a good idea about Jesus, the Church and Christian living.
Recommend taking our 21 day Study Guide on The Gospel of John – Knowing God Better – Personal book study - 3 weeks here.
On our sister website Questions God. Com we have 70 Bible Reading Plans starting at two weeks long to over an year long. They are designed for you as an individual if you are just starting out or have been a Christian for awhile. 70 Bible Reading Plans Here.
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The scriptures are perfect, but men are fallible. I prayerfully check all of the material I put on my sites. However, I am quite capable of missing something or making a mistake. If you find anything at all on these pages that is questionable or find any links broken please contact us here.
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