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Everyone needs words of encouragement and the Bible offers many scriptures that can provide the best inspiration and strength throughout the day.
Do you have a longing this morning for a richer, more abundant life?
Then let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.
Shall we have these great spiritual awakenings this next year all over this country and Canada? Then let us realize in our lives Christ's promise,
that out of your inmost selves shall flow Jordans of living water.
Spirituality costs. Shall we pay what it costs?
May the Spirit of God help us to answer that question.
And it shall come to pass in that day, I will hear,
saith the Lord, I will hear the heavens, and they
shall hear the earth;
And the earth shall hear the corn, and the wine,
and the oil; and they shall hear Jezreel.
And I will sow her unto me in the earth; and I will
have mercy upon her that had not obtained mercy;
and I will say to them which were not my people,
Thou art my people; and they shall say, Thou art my God.
Not by gain our life is measured, But by what we've lost 'Tis scored; 'This not how much wine is drunken. But how much has been outpoured. For the strength of love never standeth In the sacrifice we bear; He who has the greatest suffering Ever has the most to share. - Nee, Watchman
Father! I bless your gentle hand;
How kind was your chastising rod,
That brought my conscience to a stand,
And brought my wandering soul to God.
Foolish and vain I went astray,
E're I had felt your scourges, Lord;
I lost my guide and lost my way
But now I love and keep your word.
'Tis good to me to wear the yoke,
For pride is apt to rise and swell;
'Tis good to bear my Father's stroke,
That I might learn his statutes well.
"Do you love Christ? I ask not if you feel
The warm excitement of that party zeal
Which follows on, while others lead the way,
And make his cause the fashion of the day
But do you love him when his garb is mean;
Nor shrink to let your fellowship be seen?
Do you love Jesus, blind; and halt, and maimed?
In prison support him; nor feel ashamed
To own him, though his injured name may be
A mark for some dark slander's obloquy?
Do you love Jesus in the orphan's claim,
And bid the widow welcome in his name?
Say not, 'When saw we him?' -Each member dear,
Poor and afflicted, wears his image here;
And if unvalued or unknown by you,
Where can your union with the Body be?
And if you thus are to the body dead,
Where is your life in Christ the living Head?
And if dissevered from the living Vine,
How can you dream that you have life divine!
"Sweet is the union true believers feel
Into one Spirit they have drunk; the seal
Of God is on their hearts- and thus they see
In each the features of one family!
If one is suffering- all the rest are sad;
If but the least is honored- all are glad.
The grace of Jesus, which they all partake,
Flows out in mutual kindness for his sake;
Here he has left them for a while to wait,
And represent him in their suffering state;
While he, though glorified, as yet alone,
Bears the whole church before the Father's throne."
E D I T H S C H A E F F E R (twentieth-century writer)
Is fasting ever a bribe to get God to pay more attention to the petitions?
No, a thousand times no. It is simply a way to
make clear that we sufficiently reverence the amazing opportunity
to ask help from the everlasting God, the Creator of
the universe, to choose to put everything else aside and concentrate
on worshiping, asking for forgiveness, and making
our requests known—considering His help more important
than anything we could do ourselves in our own strength and with our own ideas.
THE LIFE OF PRAYER - Jerry Falwell (20th-century Baptist pastor)
An old saint once said that fasting prevents luxuries from becoming necessities.
Fasting is a protection of the spirit against the encroachments of the body.
When a person fasts, he has his body well in hand, and is able to do the work of the Master.
A Book for Boys and Girls by John Bunyan here
A Caution to Stir up to Watch Against Sin by John Bunyan here
A Fifty Eight A. J. Gordon Quotations by A. J. Gordon here
Dying Sayings by John Bunyan here
How to get the Most From Reading Your Bible by Thomas Watson here
Instructions For The Ignorant by John Bunyan here
One Thing is Needfull by John Bunyan here
(Serious Meditations upon the Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Heaven, & Hell)
Poor In Spirit by Thomas Watson here
Prison Meditations by John Bunyan here
The Lord's Prayer by Thomas Watson here
The Smell of Rain here
The Thoughts of God by John MacDuff here
The Words Of Jesus by John MacDuff here
Gospel of John Reading Plan
For those new to the Bible or new to Christianity we recommend our 21 days 5 to 10 minute reading the Gospel of John a chapter a day here. This reading guide was written to guide you through the book of John in 21 days. Read one chapter each day and spend time with God here.
Gospel of John the 21 day Bible Reading Plan Challenge sent daily by email.
If you're looking to take a first step in reading God's Word, our 21-day Challenge is for you. It's a simple way to begin making Bible reading part of your day. We believe that there is a message from God and about God and His will for your life in the gospel of John. Probably the most important thing you can do is develop the habit of reading the Bible every day.
It’s the primary way that God speaks to us, which means it’s vital to your relationship with Him as you follow along with this study guide of the Gospel of John. Sign Up for our Gospel of John 21 days,15 to 20 minute Bible reading plan sent by email each day to your in box.. More information or to sign up here.
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