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Church history or ecclesiastical history as an academic discipline studies the history of Christianity and the way the Christian Church has developed since its inception.
A Biblical Basis of Missions (Your Mission as a Christian)by Avery T. Willis, Jr. here
A Brief Bible History by James Boyd and John Machen here
A Glorious Institution: The Church In History 1 by Stanford E. Murrell here
A Glorious Institution: The Church In History 2 by Stanford E. Murrell here
A History of Religious Educators by Elmer L. Towns here
A System Tested By Its Fruits by Loraine Boettner here
Christianity and Liberalism by J. Gresham Machen here
Christianity is Not A Religion by James Fowler here
Church & the Ministry in the Early Centuries by Thomas M. Lindsay here
Church Planting by Danie Vermeulen here (excellent)
Corporate Prayer for Revival by Jonathan Edwards here
Derickson's Notes on the Bible by Stanley R. Derickson
History of Scripture - Different Bible Translations page 132 to page 141 here
Ecclesiastical Histories by Socrates & Sozomenus here
History of The Scottish Nation Vol 1 by J. A. Wylie here
History of The Scottish Nation Vol 2 by J. A. Wylie here
History of The Scottish Nation Vol 3 by J. A. Wylie here
How to Study and Teach the Bible by Elmer L. Towns here
Jerusalem In The New Testament by Tom Wright here
Sketches of Jewish Social Life by Alfred Edersheim here
The Ancient Church its History Worship Doctrine & Constitution
by William Dool Killen here
The Bible Book By Book by Josiah Blake Tidwell here
The Bible Period by Period by Josiah Blake Tidwell here
The Church by Allan E. McNabb here
The Mission & Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries
by Adolf Harnack here
The Papacy Its History Dogmas Genius and Prospects by J. A. Wylie here
The Pentecostal Movement by Margaret M. Poloma here
The Vision of the Body of Christ & the End Time Ministries by Tommy Hicks here
Timeline Of The Welsh Revival by John Hayward here
Volume 1 Apostolic Christianity A.D. 1-100 by Philip Schaff here
Volume 2 Ante-Nicene Christianity A.D. 100-325 by Philip Schaff here
Volume 3 Nicene & Post-Nicene Christianity A.D. 311-600 by Philip Schaff here
Volume 4 Mediaeval Christianity A.D. 590-1073 by Philip Schaff here
Volume 5 The Middle Ages A.D. 1049-1249 by Philip Schaff here
Volume 6 The Middle Ages A.D. 1249-1517 by Philip Schaff here
Volume 7 Modern Christianity, The German Reformation by Philip Schaff here
Volume 8 Modern Christianity, The Swiss Reformation by Philip Schaff here
Welsh Revival WT Stead and G. G. Campbell Morgan here
What Do We Owe To The Reformation? by J. C. Ryle here
Why Were Our Reformer's Burned by J. C. Ryle here>
A Good Church
When you look for a church check to see that it has the following four things:
- 1. Sound biblical preaching that lifts up Jesus Christ as Savior, Lord and God.
- 2. Humble , godly and wise leadership. ("Red flag" attitudes include: greed, pride, moral looseness, and disrespect.)
- 3. The people of the church clearly love one another.
- 4. There is holiness and clear standards of right and wrong.
Once you have found a good church (there are no perfect churches) stick with it despite the ups and downs. Churches are full of people like you who make mistakes, aren't quite perfect and say things they do not really mean. One day someone may say or do something that really hurts you. Stick with it then - don't get bitter towards all Christians because of a foolish one or two. Remember some people who attend church are not really born again. Some are still searching, some are pretending, but the vast majority are really nice people. Here are three things you should take to church each Sunday.
- 1. Your heart to be filled with the Spirit. Go with an open and expectant attitude and you will receive.
- 2. Your eyes and your hands - to watch for the needs of the people of God and meet them in practical ways.
- 3. Your mind - to hear, understand and think about God's word. Some Christians think that faith and their minds cannot mix. That is wrong. It is true that faith and a puffed up and arrogant mind cannot mix. But faith and an inquiring mind go hand in hand and create wisdom, knowledge grace and truth.
The more time you make for God - the less there will be for sin and self-defeat.
In particular pray for these things :
- Grace- God to be kind toward you and give you many undeserved favours and the power to resist sin.
- Mercy - for God to deliver you from the messes you get yourself into especially when we are ignorant/foolish.
- Peace - the integration of your life under the blessings of God so that sin has no foothold in you.
- Understanding - of what God has done for in Christ and the power over sin that is within you.
- Wisdom & Discernment - so you can apply your understanding to real life situations.
- To Be Filled With The Love of God - which takes over our hearts and makes thinking spiritual thoughts easy.
If you are unsure about a church then talk to some wise Christians that you know and ask their opinion of it. Or ask us here for contact information on caring local Churches in your area, contact us here, we will not favour one particular denomination over another but seek to give you sound principles and advice here.
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