The Bible is the main source of our knowledge about God. It is His inspired and authoritative Word that has the power to build faith , hope and truth into our lives. The following Daily Bible Reading Programs will help you to work through the Bible systematically so that the Word of God dwells richly in your life and produces joy in your heart.
Use one of our many daily Bible reading plans to easily read Scriptures. Reading the Bible daily is important to grow your faith and hope! They range from two week commitments to year-long commitments, from reading straight through cover to cover, to topical readings, to a mixture of readings each day. Check out our 70 Bible Reading Plans at our sister website Questions God. Com 70 BIBLE READING PLANS HERE.
New to the Bible or New Christians Bible Reading Plans - Each plan is different - Plans 1-12 here.
Blended Bible Reading Plans - Old and New Testament combined daily - Plans 13-17 here.
Classic One & Two Year Plans - From the Beginning Genesis to the end of Revelation in order - Plans 18-23 here.
Chronological One Year Plans - Read the events of the Bible in the order they occurred - Plans: 24-25 here.
Genres (Literature) Style One Year Plans - Reading the different Genre types - Plans: 26-27 here.
Short Term Reading Commitments - Two week Plans for those with busy schedules - Plans 29 -41 here.
Children's Bible Reading Plans - 10 minutes a day for Children and Family Bible Readings - Plans 42-50 here.
Assorted & Diverse Excellent Bible Reading Plans - Variety of Books of the Bible Reading Plans - Plans 51-70 here.
Bible Study Guides that are relevant, engaging and life-changing —- making your life better now, and giving you a real, solid hope for your future. Use these study guides to improve your understanding of the Bible and strengthen your faith Each Bible reading plan is different in type and length. They are as varied as each individual so you have many to choose from. Consider the following options, but remember to choose one. Regular reading in God's Word is not optional. It's a necessity!
Request any of our free Study Guides here.
- God’s Simple Plan of Salvation – Searching for Answers – 3 week guide here.
- New Christian Study Guide – New To Christianity – 3 week study guide here.
- Steps to Spiritual Maturity Guide – Nurturing Resources – 3 week guide here.
- The Gospel of John – Knowing God Better – Personal book study - 3 weeks here.
- Inspirational Daily Devotionals – Encouraging Spiritual Reflections – daily here.
- Monthly Newsletter – Christ Centered Information – once a month here.
- Personal Evangelism Training – Share the Gospel – fun creative way here.
- Bible Studies – Instructive Resources – connecting you nearer to God here.
Free Study Guides
If you are looking for a Bible we have a list of excellent Bibles that you can order online depending in what country you live in for under $15.00 USD here.
Daily Devotional by C. H. Spurgeon
A Daily Bible Method Reading of the Bible Done Successfully here
(Bible Reading Methods, Structures of the Bible, Best Translations to Use,Where to Start )
A Daily Bible Reading Plan (365 days to read the Bible) here (PDF'S) or here (Word)
Morning & Evening: Daily Readings by Charles H. Spurgeon here
Faith Checkbook ( Daily Devotional) by Charles Haddon Spurgeon here
A Day Study in Stewardship (A 20 Day Study in Stewardship) by Tim Keller here
A Family Alter Time - Bible Study Time with the Family here
Bible Glossary here
Bible Reading by J. C. Ryle here
Bible Studies for Small Groups by John Matson here
Evening Thoughts Or Daily Walking With God by Octavius Winslow here
Gospel Treasures by J. C. Ryle here
How to get the Most From Reading Your Bible by Thomas Watson here
How to Pray for the Lost here
Jewels from James by John Angell James here
Precious Bibles Promises (starts at page 5- this ebook is excellent) by Samuel Clarke here
The Victory List of Bible Promises by Robert Gunn here
Twenty Minutes A Day (A Daily Bible Reading Plan) by Robert Gunn here
A Bible Reading Method You Can Use
The following is a bible reading method . It is very simple: Pray, Read, Think, Pray.
Pray: Ask God to open up His Word to you. "Lord open my eyes that I may see wonders from your Word".
Read: Read a short passage of Scripture about ten to fifteen verses or a chapter. Start with the New Testament first and read it in order from Matthew to Revelation.
Think:Think about what you have just read and ask some of the following questions:
- What does the passage say about God? What does it say about the Father, about the Son and about the Holy Spirit?
- What does the passage say about life? Does it teach some important principles? Is there a command to obey, a warning to heed, some wise advice for living?
- What does the passage say about your daily situation? Is there something you should be doing? Does it shed light on your professional life, family life or church participation?
- Has Jesus spoken to you in a special way through the Bible today? If so what did He say to you?
Pray: Write out a prayer to God based on what you have learned from your Bible reading. Something like "Lord help me to love my neighbor as myself." or whatever lesson you have learned that day.
Where To Start
Where should you start when reading the Scriptures? With the material about Jesus. That is the New Testament and especially the gospels. Here is my suggested order for reading the whole Bible. It will take about three years to finish if you read one chapter per day and one year to finish if you read 3 or 4 chapters a day.
- Read the New Testament in order, starting with Matthew and going book by book until you reach the last chapter of Revelation. This will give you a good idea bout Jesus, the Church and Christian living.
- Then go back to the beginning of the Bible and read Genesis, Exodus and Deuteronomy which tells you how things began and God's order for Creation, mankind and society.
- Then read the Psalms in order from 1 to 50 then take a break (there are 150 of them).
- Read Isaiah 40-66, Daniel, Amos, Hosea, Jonah, Haggai, Zechariah, Lamentations and Malachi which should help you grasp the prophets.
- Then read Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Job, and Song of Solomon - known as the Wisdom Literature.
- Joshua , Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1& 2 Kings, 1& 2 Chronicles - this will give you a good grasp of the history of Israel.
- Then go back and read the New Testament from start to finish all over again.
- Then go back and read another 50 Psalms (51-100).
- Then tackle the Old Testament laws in Leviticus and Numbers.
- More prophets - Ezekiel, Isaiah 1-39, Jeremiah these are the "major prophets."
- Finish with some less known books Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Joel, Obadiah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, & Zephaniah.
- Then finish the last 50 Psalms (101-150).
What Is The Best Bible To Use?
Many people are confused by the large number of different bible translations available. This has come about because the Bible was written in three original languages Hebrew (most of the Old Testament) Aramaic (some of the OT) and Greek trade language of the 1st century known as koine Greek (the New Testament). There are basically four types of bibles depending on how they choose to do the translation process:
Literal translations:
These translate the bible with word by word and are very accurate. While they are very faithful to the original text they can be somewhat clumsy when put into English. Literal translations include the King James version, The New King James Version, the Revised Standard Version, the New Revised Standard Version, and the New American Standard Bible. My favorites here are the New American Standard Bible and the New King James version.
Dynamic translations:
Are translated phrase by phrase or concept by concept. They are still quite accurate but not as literally accurate as those above. They are much easier to read and understand. They include the Good News Bible, the New international Version, The Contemporary English Version and many others. The NIV is the best dynamic translation. For people using English as a second language the Contemporary English version is excellent.
Paraphrases: Very loose translations of the bible they rearrange the material within each paragraph so it flows smoothly and put the bible into very contemporary concepts. They should not be used for in-depth bible study but are very easy for daily bible reading. Many find them helpful but personally I do not use them. They include the Message, the Living Bible, the New Living Bible, and many others.
Wrong or Misleading Translations:
These include the New World Translation of the Jehovah's Witnesses and other versions produced by cults.
From all the above here are my recommendations:
You should use the most accurate version available in your heart language. It should also be sufficiently modern for you to read it easily. The King James or Authorized Version is a very accurate Bible but was written four centuries ago in a different form of English known as Elizabethan English. Many of the words it uses are now obsolete or have changed meaning for instance the word "prevent" means "to go before" in the King James Version and the word "handsome" means sly and tricky - not attractive. So because it can confuse people I do not generally recommend the King James Version.
The New King James Version is an equally accurate translation with more modern English and is the main one I use. Other good translations include: NASB (New American Standard Bible), NRSV (New Revised Standard Version), and the NIV (New International Version). Some easy to read but not so accurate translations include The Living Bible (LB) , The New Living Bible (NLB), The Message, The Good News Bible (GNB) and the Contemporary English Version (CEV). Avoid some poor translations such as the New World Translation by the Jehovah's Witnesses which contains serious errors. I mainly use the New King James Version and the New American Standard Bible as they are very accurate translations.
Personally would recommend the NIV (New International Version as most Pastor's use it for preaching and teaching. It is accurate, easier to read and understand God's Word.
We have a list of good Bibles you can order online depending in what country you live in for under $15.00 USD here.
Study Bibles:
A study bible is a bible translation plus footnotes that explain the text and help the reader to grasp its message. They are very useful and every Christian should own one. The NIV Study Bible is the bible I give to people when they are converted. The NIV translation is easy to read, quite accurate and the notes and helps in the NIV Study Bible are excellent. The Open Bible with a New King James Version translation would also be a very good choice. If you want just one Bible version the ones I recommend are The Open Bible, the Thompson Chain Reference Bible and the NIV Study Bible. The Open Bible and the Thompson Chain Reference have the advantage of having a variety of translations available in their formats.
Finding The Time
Fifteen minutes is about all you need to read a chapter of the Bible, think, take a few notes, then pray. I do my daily bible reading first thing in the morning as I wake up with my first cup of coffee for the day. Other people have their 'quiet time" on the train on the way to work or at lunch on a bench in the park. For many years I had my bible reading time at night just before I went to bed. Any time that you can carve out as a habit on every day of the week is the best time. Find a quiet place where you can pray and read and think in private. We "find time" for those things that are important to us and surely meeting God in His Word should be the most important thing in our lives. You do not have to use special words or kneel down or adopt a special bodily posture, it is the attitude of your heart that counts. I like praying as I walk.
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The scriptures are perfect, but men are fallible. I prayerfully check all of the material I put on my sites. However, I am quite capable of missing something or making a mistake. If you find anything at all on these pages that is questionable or find any links broken please contact us here.
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