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Why Study and Effective Bible Study
The Bible is God's word and He wishes to communicate with you through it. He wants to tell you His Ways and His Will that will bring you peace, happiness and the abundant life. He wants to unfold for you His plan of salvation, His truth and His one true doctrine. He wants you to imitate the Way He lives, in every facet of your life.
God sent Jesus Christ to be your living example of how this is to be done. Jesus said His Ways are easy and pleasant (Matt. 11:30). The Bible contains accurate accounts of how Jesus lived and what He taught so that we can learn to imitate Him and do God's Will.
When you don't or won't study your Bible, you are telling God something. You are telling Him you will not force yourself to study His word and resist your evil nature, which constantly tries to talk you out of studying. When you convince yourself that you are too busy or too tired to study God's word, you are giving in to the pulls of the flesh instead of disciplining yourself for the purpose of imitating God (Eph. 5:1; 1 Tim. 4:7).
You are to have both of your spiritual feet in the gospel and study to show yourself approved by God (Eph. 6:15; 2 Tim. 2:15). How can you gird yourself with truth unless you know God's word, which is the truth, and then put it into action in your daily life (Eph. 6:14)?
You have the breastplate of righteousness on when you continually and enthusiastically practice righteousness for God. If you ignore God daily, He will continue to ignore you and you will continue to live under His wrath (John 3:36). Believe means obey, put your trust in God, take action and live by His words. Then you will be a living word of God because the Word will live in you and through you. Remember, the Word is Christ Jesus, and He abides in you only when you live for Him and prove to be His disciple by being obedient to Him (John 15:8).
2b. How to study your Bible!
Many people read the Bible and consider that study. But when you study the Bible, you should look for answers to questions. What does the Bible say, for example, about salvation and overcoming? What is God's Will? How do you clothe yourself in Jesus Christ, abide in Jesus Christ or walk like Jesus Christ? How do you pray? How do you repent? How do you live to please God?
There is a kind of study in which you keep learning but never come to the knowledge of the truth (2 Tim. 3:7). Don’t fall into that life-long trap (2 Tim. 3:7). The Bible has answers to all of life’s problems. You should have a Bible translation that is easy to understand. If you make the Bible your friend and constant companion, it will save your life..
Always have a notebook, pen and color code verses when you study your Bible. Learn to use a Bible concordance to find all the Scriptures pertaining to a given subject. Study the subjects and it won’t be long before you will be well-informed on what the Bible really says.
Bible study, prayer and committing all your ways to the Lord are important in your walk with the Lord. God wants a new creature or person (Gal. 6:15). So let’s put God first every day, so He can change us and bless us (1 Cor. 3:7; Luke 6:38).
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New to the Bible or New Christians Bible Reading Plans - Each plan is different - Plans 1-12 here.
Blended Bible Reading Plans - Old and New Testament combined daily - Plans 13-17 here.
Classic One & Two Year Plans - From the Beginning Genesis to the end of Revelation in order - Plans 18-23 here.
Chronological One Year Plans - Read the events of the Bible in the order they occurred - Plans: 24-25 here.
Genres (Literature) Style One Year Plans - Reading the different Genre types - Plans: 26-27 here.
Short Term Reading Commitments - Two week Plans for those with busy schedules - Plans 29 -41 here.
Children's Bible Reading Plans - 10 minutes a day for Children and Family Bible Readings - Plans 42-50 here.
Assorted & Diverse Excellent Bible Reading Plans - Variety of Books of the Bible Reading Plans - Plans 51-70 here.
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