When the temple of Solomon was built, the stone was hewn in the quarries, the timber was cut in the forests of Lebanon, the beams and the pillars, the doors and the hangings, the beautiful carved work overlaid with gold was all prepared before it was brought to the temple site.
When we read that there were 183,000 people employed in the work; that it took seven years to complete it; and that every part fit so perfectly that the whole immense structure was erected without the sound of axe, hammer or any tool of iron, we must conclude that some great master planned every detail of that magnificent building.
We go into a great factory and into one department where we see pieces of wood beautifully carved and paneled; into another where they are painted and polished; into others where pipes great and small are being toned and tuned, where banks of ivory keys are being fitted and finished, where great bellows are being built, where innumerable little pulleys and pins and levers are being turned and trimmed, and we say: What can come out of all this confusion ?
But one day, in a great cathedral far across the continent, some workmen begin to put the pieces together till their work is done, when a stranger we had not seen till then sits down before it. He touches a button and sweeps the keys, and forth from the great organ there bursts in thunderous tones such music as we had never heard before, till the tears fall from our eyes and the mighty cathedral trembles with the volume of melodious sound; then we recognize the master in whose mind the great organ was conceived.
We take up a book. It is called the Bible. We ,look for the author's name, and learn that probably not less than thirty-six authors contributed to it, whose lives covered a period of about 1,600 years. They wrote in three different continents and many countries; in three different languages, and from every possible human standpoint. Among the authors were kings and countrymen, rich and poor, learned and unlearned. What confusion and contradiction must be here!
But let us examine it before we pass judgment. The first chapter takes us back beyond the beginning of time; the last chapter draws aside the firmament of the future and reveals eternity and the destiny of man.
Between these two every known form of literature is found: the oldest history, the sublimest poetry, the sweetest songs, the most unanswerable logic and captivating romance, the most marvelous biography, the foundation principles of all good law and government, the loftiest eloquence, the pro-foundest philosophy and the most inimitable stories and parables.From its pages the thunders of Sinai roll, and after fifteen hundred years the echo resounds in the song of the angels as they herald the advent of a promised Child. Love declared to be the fulfilling of the Law.
The Book has one great plan and one supreme purpose - the salvation of man. One all-absorbing theme - the Messiah. One chief center - the cross. One ultimate end - the glory of God.
Our conclusion is: The Bible is one Book;
it has one Author. It is the inspired Word of God.